Find the man you’ve always wanted to be.


If you’re feeling that life — and you — could be more, an MDI men’s team could help you get there.

Mentor. Discover. Inspire.
No Pressure

Take the first, no-pressure step

MDI is not a support group. We’re ordinary men who hold each other to a higher standard and help each other break through barriers to create successful families, careers, and communities. And we all joined after a conversation with another man.

Welcome to MDI

Mentor. Discover. Inspire.

We’re a volunteer-run, non-profit men’s organization, made up of local and online men’s teams (now 75 worldwide), and offering training, events, and a community of men who are always there for you.



Our men say it better than we could...

"My team provides me with a secure environment where I can receive support from men who I trust."

Ricardo Philip
Member since 2017

“When someone is inspecting me and holding me accountable for things that I say I want to do, my life gets better.”

Dave Smith
Member since 1994

“I now have the relationship with my father that I have always wanted.”

Scott Williams
Member since 2012

WTF is a men's team?

An MDI Men’s Team is a group of a dozen or so men who want to excel in their lives and are willing to open up and be there for other men who are looking to do the same. We meet in person or online weekly, share our wins, look honestly at our losses, and support each other on our ways to becoming better men, partners, fathers, and leaders in our communities.
What is a men's team
MDI Playboy article

Read the article that made MDI famous

“Time and again I hear a similar refrain: The team saved someone’s marriage, financial future, even life.”

Celebrated writer Mickey Rapkin explored MDI, and was moved by the emotion and change that a men’s team can bring about for ordinary men. You’re worth the seven or so minutes it takes to read.

Free & three

We’ve created an easy 3-step way — on us — for you to find out about MDI & try out a men’s team.

Is MDI right for me?

These 7 question will tell you.


Asked Questions

No, we welcome men from all religions and no religion.

No. We’re 100% volunteer-run not for-profit with no full-time employees.

MDI has men from all races and demographic groups, but like any group we tend to represent the communities we’re in. For example, suburban teams might be a little older than urban teams.

All men are welcome, regardless of sexual orientation, religion or ethnicity. We don’t tolerate any hateful actions.

We have teams around the world. Some meet online, some in-person. We have options for every man.

It’s free to start, then it’s $30 a month or a cheaper annual fee to keep things like this site and training (space rentals, etc.) going.

MDI faq

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