4 Homers Do Their Pigskin Picks

Let’s get ready to ruuuuuuumbleeeee …. !

Legacy Magazine brings you the first-ever MDI Monthly Roundtable Podcast. This one dedicated to the upcoming National Football League season, which commences on Thursday Night Football, September 7 with the Lions taking on the Chiefs.

This podcast highlights representatives from around the various regions: Michael Fowlkes from the Southwest area, Jeremy Leggett out of the Southeast and then Justin LaBarge from the Northeast. Jim Ellis hosts this fanfest from the Southwest region. A scheduled representative from the Northwest area was out of wifi range while at Burning Man.

Introducing the Homers (Top Left Moving Right): Leggett, LaBarge, Ellis, Fowlkes

Those present on this podcast are all NFL experts … or at least four homies who have too much confidence in their favorite teams.

Actually, these level-headed brainiacs bring the goods: they predict each division, conference and Super Bowl winners, take part in a competitive quiz and basically shoot the shit as only a man can.

Tune in and compare notes.

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