Top Sales Tips for Every Salesman

Sandy Peisner
MDI Contributor

I have been in sales for 30 years. I have sold solar, roofing, home owner loans, advertising, among other things.

I have a few basics that have helped me over the years. I can share them here, as we are all – in some manner – enrolling others into some form of potential transaction. Maybe it doesn’t carry the tag of “selling,” but we often have to find a way to influence, enroll and connect with others in a positive way.

The basics are:

  1. Be on time.
  2. Have a great attitude
  3. Always be closing the sale.
  4. Have a high level of product knowledge.
  5. Be a great listener.
  6. Utilize the warm market of the customer – followup with another product; get a referral.
  7. Keep it simple.

A lot of times, it really comes down to simplicity.

No one wants their time wasted, so it’s important to be on time. I have won sales simply because I showed up on time.

You are a mirror for the customer. They feel your presence and energy. If you walk in upset or allow them to agitate you (and some try) then you’ve lost. Be enthusiastic and upbeat no matter what.   

Know your product. So many times I have had to describe a product to a customer after someone gave them false information. A great example came in selling solar, with the fact that if you buy a system you receive a 30 percent tax credit. Competitors have incorrectly told customers this is a refund check. If you don’t know an answer, tell a potential customer, “I don’t know; let me get back to you on that.” 

Let’s say you have made a great presentation and answered all sorts of questions. Do not leave without anything happening. If the customer is interested, ask for the sale. Always be closing the deal. Use a phrase like “Fair enough?” That’s a simple close. Make sure there is clarity on next steps before leaving the space.

Follow through – If they have bought something from you, is there anything else that can serve them as an add-on to the sale? Is it possible to get a referral? 

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