Joseph Ranseth
Featured Author
Three pieces of prose about friendship from the book Let’s Stay Here written by author and MDI contributor Joseph Ranseth. Book can be found on Amazon Here:
The Tapestry
The very things about others
that “trigger” us, or bother us,
are the very things we need
to purify our souls.
They are reflections of untruths
we believe within ourselves.
Seeing them as things in others
– instead of as in ourselves –
are proof that we have it backwards,
that we see it upside down,
as staring at the underside
of a tapestry.
And it is only when we can rise above
– where we belong –
by surrendering the sandbags of
false belief, resentment, or fear,
that we see clearly that
those reflections were trying to show us:
the magnificence of our true nature,
and purify our minds, from the very things
– the lies we believed about ourselves –
that we chose to keep it hidden.
The Beautiful Conflict
Love is not afraid of conflict.
Love will bring
The lies
And errors
And offer them to the light,
Where they can die
The death they deserve.
Boldly and courageously
Will love examine
Every story
Every feeling
Every thought
And humbly surrender them
On the altar of truth,
Until only purity remains.
No, love need not fear the conflict
that arises in our relationships,
For it is only the means
Of surrendering the war within ourselves,
And we achieve that sweet victory of peace
The moment we value truth more than our shadow.
For it is only when we see clearly
That we finally understand
The truth of love–
The unthreatenable beauty of our perfection–
That our illusions
Attempt to obscure.
To love
willing to risk our
own hearts
in the process
is one of the bravest
things we can do
hidden in plain sight
– a miracle among the mundane –
and the gate to
the greatest reward
and purpose of our
Beautiful poems Mr. Ranseth, as are you.
“You are present
Your presence is what you present.
This present is the gift you give
wrapped in the thoughts, words, gestures of the moment”