Some Men and Their Dogs

Here are just a few Mentor Discover Inspire men revealing their four legged friends and what they love about them. Hey – How did that cat get in there?

Jeff Lawrence – Allie is a two and half year old Great Dane, my best friend. We train (run) together every day and she is always happy. Unconditional love is what I get and learn how to give from this incredible partner. And … she loves “pupa-chino’s” from Starbucks.

Sandt Litchfield – Lily and Daisy are all about love. They are the best part of life, since they keep me thinking about love.

Denis Moreau – Shelby loves me unconditionally! She teaches me the same.

David Plante – Otis in the back, and Olivia nearest me. Olivia is the princess of love and affection. They teach me unconditional love and acceptance.

Gary Wojciechowski – My dog taught me loyalty. Plus, they learn by observing. A lot can be communicated without words, as they pay attention to body language. They guard what’s dear to them. They too love freedom and, at the same time, being part of a pack.

Stephen Lema – My cat ate a hole in my favorite hat. What have I learned? When the coat tree falls over at 3 a.m., get out of bed and investigate.

Michael Fowlkes – Snoopy gives me comfort by being cute, cuddly and liking to hang out.

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