A New Line of Thinking, Being and Apparel

Ke Sneller
Southwest Region

I was a member of MDI for about two years and then took about 10 months away from the men. During that time I had been kicking around the idea of a business sourcing sustainable fabrics but hadn’t really worked on it.  In March 2016 I lost a “dream job” after only a few weeks. My integrity and honor had been attacked, and I had been accused of behavior that I did not do. Very surprisingly, of all the people in my close circle who stood up for me, it was my partner did not support me. The relationship did not last much longer after that.

I needed the men in my life again. I was depressed over the loss of a job, my woman, and the assault on my integrity by both co-workers and the woman I thought truly loved me. I reached out to a former Point Teammate and joined his team, which was comprised of some of the men from my old team 10 months prior.

Prototype sweatshirt on prototype MDI man.

I told them I needed help. I needed to focus on getting my own business going to prove to myself that I could move forward in my life and put this old chapter behind me.

March through May of 2016 the men on my team called me every single day to make sure I fought the crippling depression that wouldn’t let me climb out of bed some days. They made sure I was taking care of myself emotionally. They lifted me up and assured me that I was a man of action.

By September 2016 I had acquired all the necessary paperwork and with the support of my men’s team am now able to present green apparel made in the USA under my own company label. I now have a line of apparel made from 50 percent certified organic cotton and 50 percent recycled plastic bottles, as well as apparel made from bamboo and hemp.  

Ke Sneller is the owner of KSD-ZWraps. He is offering MDI men tee shirts, hoodies, and workout pants at discount rates starting at $20 for a tee shirt. For details, contact Sneller at www.ksdzwraps.com.


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