About Legacy Magazine

Legacy Magazine
Founded in 2013, the premier online periodical “The Legacy” is an “insight for the modern man,” a men’s magazine highlighting the voice of a “mature masculine leader” for the audience of a global community of men. Sponsored by the international men’s organization, Mentor Discover Inspire (MDI), the Legacy explores the concept of masculinity in our contemporary society and is dedicated to inspire men to be successful in their lives, families and communities.


James Anthony Ellis 
Editor, Legacy Magazine

James Anthony Ellis is an award-winning playwright, journalist and filmmaker, who creates videos, books, theater and productions that bring a sacred awareness to “what’s really going on” in our relationships, neighborhoods, community and society. An author of eight books, including the men-only “The Honor Book” and the most recent “Huh? The Joys, Sorrows and Comic Relief of Miscommunication,” Ellis has produced twenty plays, 75+ film/video productions and hundreds of articles and columns. In 2011 he filmed and produced the highly-acclaimed “Indoctrinated: The Grooming of our Children into Prostitution,” which was viewed on Cable TV, and nationally and internationally at community forums designed to bring solution to our prostituted youth problem. Since 1998, he has been in leadership within MDI (Mentor, Discover, Inspire), an international men’s organization, including the role as Division Coordinator of the San Diego Men’s Division and MDI International VP of Media and Public Relations. His production company is Legacy Productions.


Justin LaBarge
Producer, Legacy Magazine
Creative Director/Founding Partner BoldEverything Interactive

You get one chance at making a first impression, and that’s the context in which Justin LaBarge creates his message. He began his career as a self-taught desktop publisher, and is now the Creative Director and Founder of BoldEverything Interactive, a 13 year old creative web strategy business based in Cambridge, MA.

“The point is to craft a meaningful experience around compelling communication. We strive for a BOLD, memorable message which yields precise, measurable results.“ His work connects people through creation of online communities, empowers people by giving human rights organizations worldwide a digital voice, and influences people in finance, technology, and online retail through effective business media and communications.

“My personal and professional purpose is to create community which furthers the greater good.”

As the producer of the Legacy Magazine, LaBarge is hoping to reach young men seeking answers with masculine roles in a modern world. “Presenting powerful perspectives can shift people’s behavior, take actions, and ultimately cause their self-identity to grow. Then we are open to leaving a Legacy worthy of our passion for life.”



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