Ask the Shrink!

Jamie Greene
Southwest Region

Jamie Greene has been a psychotherapist and teacher for over 25 years and currently has a thriving business as a life coach in Los Angeles. In 2005, he was cast as a real-life marriage therapist in the FOX show “Marriage 911” and helped to save a marriage on the rocks in just one week. Jamie was most recently featured as Therapist and Life Coach to Brad Womack on Season 15 of “The Bachelor” on ABC. Jamie has just launched his new “Off The Couch Program.” His website:

From all you’ve seen in your profession, how would it benefit a man to have a circle of men in his life? 


Having had the privilege of being part of men’s circles for over twenty years, I can personally attest that if you were to ask a man what he gets by having a trusted circle of men around him, he’ll tell you the following:

  • He receives a mirrored reflection of truth as to how he actually shows up and the impact he makes on those around him – all the good and all the bad!
  • He has honorable, dependable men he can count on to always stand with him, shoulder to shoulder, through all his life’s struggles and triumphs.
  • Men who will hold him up when he’s down and celebrate his wins as if they are their own.
  • He is asked the tough questions to help him discover his innermost blockages and blind spots.
  • He will find his place among the men – striving to emerge as a leader whom men will trust and follow as he earns and honors rank.
  • He feels part of a brotherhood and a tribe of warriors who go into life’s battles together for a common purpose.
  • He is unconditionally committed to men winning, beginning with himself, his family, his men and his community.
  • He discovers his “masculine edge” which becomes sharpened and contoured to serve him when life demands determination and tenacity.
  • His heart will open as he gets to practice direct masculine care with no bullshit or beating around the bush!
  • He will learn the difference between personal loyalty and having core values and terms to stand behind – no matter how his approval might be challenged.
  • He will become a man who is respected and trusted by other men and will take that dependability home to his family and the community.
  • He will become more present with his loved ones through the intimacy he gets to practice on a weekly basis with his men.
  • He will strive for a higher purpose in his life and will stretch himself with bigger goals, greater commitments and loftier dreams.
  • And if that’s not enough, he will laugh and cry, yell and sweat and give this all away to his brothers, father, colleagues and friends.

So what is the impact of a man who doesn’t have such a sacred circle of men? He will never experience these gifts or know how to give them away.

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