Come Decorate The Wall of Fathers

Editor’s Note: Would you like to publicly honor your father this Father’s Day? Mentor Discover Inspire’s Legacy Magazine proudly presents The Wall of Fathers, a sacred space to honor fathers and fathering … your fathers and your fathering! Submissions now being accepted to have your contribution displayed on the Wall of Fathers, unveiled in conjunction with Father’s Day 2024. For now, we present a sampling of photos and meaningful captions from some MDI International leaders.

Recognizing society’s compromised views of men and fatherhood over the past decade, the international organization MDI is taking a stand to honor those fathers in our world in a global acknowledgement project called “The Wall of Fathers.” 

The Wall of Fathers is an online forum for men to submit pictures with their fathers, pictures with their children as well as contribute any personal sentiments related to fatherhood and fathering. 

The Purpose

  • To hold high in reverence that which was handed down to you from your father, your father’s father, your father’s father’s father – the good, the bad, the ugly.
  • To faithfully bring forth those gifts in the way that best reflects your identity and most respects those who have gone before.
  • To honor a legacy; to live a legacy.  

For the Legacy Magazine’s “Wall of Fathers” page honoring fatherhood, we are accepting contributions:

  • Submit a photo with you and your children or you and your dad, along with a brief one-liner caption about a memory. OR
  • Offer a favorite memory; tell a dad story. With words or a video. OR
  • Answer one of these questions: Why are fathers important to a family? As a father, what is one tip you can give to other fathers out there? How would you like to honor your own father?

Submissions go to Jim Ellis at The chosen pieces will be featured on “The Wall of Fathers“ in June at this site, which will be updated to include you and yours:

Olaf Krop – MDI President

Three generations of Krops: my father, my son and me Christmas 30 years ago, showing the progression of hairlines in the Krop lineage! I remember fondly how important holidays were to my dad. We were always together at Christmas time, until he died 10 years ago. I miss him! – Olaf Krop, Son of Johannes Pieter Krop, Father or Eric Michael Krop.

Stan Snow – Executive Director

My two kids, Erica and Tyler, with their proud dad.
My dad and I at Easter 1965.

Rob Miller – International S1

Philip Miller is a construction working hockey goalie and video gamer who loves fishing. He’s not in a hurry to settle down to a family. I think he’ll be OK.

Ed Aponte – Chief of Staff

Ed Aponte, son of Antonio Aponte, 2nd Father’s Day without my dad. Miss you wholly. 

Tom Thurmond – VP, Team Inovation 

Dad and I play trivia every Tuesday night with friends and family. This selfie taken February 2024. George is 89 and still going strong. He has been a great role model, coach, mentor and a great father. He taught me the value of keeping your word and being on time. When I needed it most, he kicked my butt and pushed me to be successful. I am lucky to still have him. 

Greg Aldrich – Director, International Event Program

One of the last photos with both of us which is part of a family photo from summer 2006. Dad is Paul H. Aldrich and I am Gregory Paul Aldrich. He is my hero.  

Sandy Peisner – Former MDI President, Mentor

Peisner about his daughter Alana: “I wanted to show up as a role model for my daughter. I wasn’t her friend growing up. Not only that, but I was one of her important role models, who showed up loving, listening, caring, selfless, protective, like a masculine man should.”

Peisner on his father Larry: My father was MY role model. He SHOWED up. I remember he would throw passes or play basketball with us. He made it fun. The whole neighborhood was at my front yard catching passes from my dad. When we moved, I remember people saying no one is with the kids now. He was involved. L to R: Eric, father Larry, Mother Evelyn, twin brothers Bruce and Stuart and me.

Ethan Cooke – Tribe Leader, West Bay Men’s Division

A photo of me with my two daughters: Lindsey and Ariana (ages 19 and 21). Being their father has taught me how to love unconditionally and has given me a clear, comforting sense of purpose for 20 years: to serve, support and provide. Being in MDI for the last 15 years has called me to expand that purpose to include a much larger circle of men, families and communities. With my children going away to college, the men’s team gives me a place to keep giving by mentoring other men every week to achieve their goals and to be great fathers, sons, brothers, friends and colleagues.

2 thoughts on “Come Decorate The Wall of Fathers”

  1. Mr. Aponte, your dad looks very fit. Does he also swim, bike, and/or run? I know you have certainly done the work in fitness.

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