Get Ready to Rumble – It’s the MDI Competition

Alright boys – let’s get ready to rumble. It is time for the Mentor Discover Inspire Competition!

The first of its kind, the competition – which started in March and completes November 2022 – is the brainchild of the leader of the MDI Expansion Initiative, Frank DeCarlo.

In January 2022, MDI President Ian Kennard asked the International Leadership Core Team (ILCT) to begin brainstorming on how to better collaborate and support one another in their positions.

DeCarlo pitched the idea for a competition between the different regions of MDI in order to enroll the men to work together and rally around the things that make MDI unique. This was to invoke collaboration between the ILCT leaders and the men within MDI. DeCarlo reasoned that men would like competing against one another while having genuine masculine fun. The idea came from competitions DeCarlo found successful when he was a regional coordinator and experienced positive results in how the men reacted to competing for the mere reason to compete and win!

The overall objective is to create ways for men to have fun with one another while building the organization and strengthening connections among members.

There are six ways the men in their regions are competing. They get points with every section:

  1. Number of men who complete the MTP Program
  2. Number of men who join MDI through the EXT Referral Program
  3. Number of men who register for a Legacy Discovery Weekend
  4. Images of men engaging in different MDI meeting and events
  5. Men who support the different roles and participate with the men of ILCT
  6. Regional growth by the end of the competition

What immediately came up was the challenge of how to handle the fact that all of the regions are different in size. How can it be made fair? 

In response, the leadership team developed a scorecard based on the percentage of men represented by each region, as compared to the total number of MDI members from March 2022. Said DeCarlo, “It was a challenge, but the Regional Coordinators (RCs) made it clear that unless it was an even playing field, it wasn’t worth playing. They were thrilled when I showed them an accurate sliding scale scorecard that takes into account the size of the regions.”

The MDI Regional Competition’s regulations are rather straightforward.

Said DeCarlo, “There is a small amount of wiggle room, which is clearly defined and is fairly black and white in the addendum signed by each RC. The ILTC leaders who represent or lead each category approve the submissions received from the RCs, and they are entered into the MDI Regional Competition Scoreboard. Each month, at the ‘MDI ILTC All Hands Call, the scoreboard is reviewed to reveal how each region is measuring up.”

The MDI Competition is definitely gaining momentum! The SER region is in the lead, but that is predicted to quickly change with latest developments. More to come and current scores will be posted here in the August Legacy Discovery issue and allowing only four more months of competitive competition time!

According to DeCarlo, “The men are being rallied around different ways MDI sets itself apart and how the organization can grow and be in relationship.”

The gloves are off! And there is still plenty of time left to make your mark! 

Ask how you can help support your RC and region achieve victory and claim bragging rights! 

As of now only the RCs know what they are competing for and what the winning region will receive from the other regions in shame! 

“What’s clear is that the winning region will have most definitely shown the most dedication, teamwork, and commitment to the cause in claiming victory,” Said DeCarlo.

The winner will be announced on the November All Hands Call. 

May the best region win!

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