Gibson’s 100 Team Meeting Tour – Bringing Light to One Team at a Time

My Name is Nick Gibson. I live in Calgary Alberta, Canada where I am a member of Head Smashed-In Tribe. I joined MDI in October 2010, did my Sterling Men’s Weekend in April 2011 and my Legacy Discovery in 2012 in Toronto.

I am on a 6-month road trip with the intention to visit 100 men’s team meetings. I am visiting both MDI and Sterling teams. As of Nov 26, I have visited 30 teams so far. 

In November I visited the Eastern Canada MDI region where I have been attending meetings in and around the Toronto area. The plan is to go on to visit the New England region to visit as many teams there as possible. After New England, I will visit the Mid-Atlantic region, then Atlanta, Florida, New Orleans, Houston, Dallas, San Jose, Phoenix, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego.

I will spend as much time as I feel is necessary in each region to maximize the number of men I can reach and be of service to. Some areas have several team meetings on the same night of the week, which makes getting around to all the meetings a challenge, but I will do my best to get to as many as possible. 

I carry with me the identity as a messenger of light. It is my purpose to give and inspire love in the world. I am on a mission to help men discover their blind spots and bring the light of conscious present awareness to limiting beliefs.  

My Trip’s CPR:

Context – Messenger of Light

Purpose – I will visit 100 men’s team meetings to teach and learn from the men, so that I inspire personal and MDI growth.


  • I will visit 100 men’s team meetings in Canada and the US by April 2016.
  • I will publish a blog about my trip. 
  • I will acquire at least three new mentors and 10 new students.
  • I will deliver a lesson that supports men to identify what they see as being missing in their lives.
  • I will offer personal development coaching services to the men.
  • I will step outside my comfort zone.
  • I will support growth and development of MDI culture.

As part of my journey I have developed a new lesson to share with the men to help them to identify the things they see as wanting to fulfill in their lives. The lesson has been getting great traction with the teams.  I can present it in a short 20-minute version, or I can drill down deeper and process each man using his team to provide him with social intuition to help him to become aware of his blind spots. The longer version can take up to 90 minutes. The Sterling men really got excited about holding each other to their commitments portion of the lesson. I did go back to one team for two consecutive weeks doing this exercise the first week, and the values determination exercise the second week. The men that had a chance to do both exercises were challenged to really look at how intentional they are in living congruently with their higher purpose, and tweak their stated purposes to align with what their life demonstrates is really most important to them.

I do need some support from the men on getting places to stay while I am on my journey. I am a chef and I will cook for any man or family that hosts me, and I will offer my hosts any personal development coaching, if you want it. Ideally I would like to establish a home base to work out of in each region. I can then go out to visit various teams and stay over several nights in each area returning to my home base in between visits.

I will provide personal coaching services to any and all the men who ask for my help. I will not charge the men a fee for personal coaching, but men are free to make a donation based on the amount of value they feel they received. This keeps with my vision that this trip is a gift of love to the community so that I am paying forward the wisdom and mentorship I have received by being a member of MDI. 

I hope to see you at your team meeting soon!

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