
Heard Any Good Jokes Lately?

Matthew “Biz” Biswas
MDI Contributor

Have you heard any good jokes lately?

Fast forward … you’re 95 years old; you’ve lived a good life with a successful business career, a strong family, a comfortable lifestyle, a wide network of friends, and everything you wanted. 

Will people gather around you because of your keen memories of the “olden days” and your ability to recall sports stats? You know the answer is probably no. Yet, a sense of humour is a great way to engage the people around you today, tomorrow, and in your later years.

Rewind to today. Our culture prioritizes strength, wealth, looks, and popularity. Humour is often overlooked as an essential life skill.

A good sense of humor is not only about getting laughs and helping you stand out – it’s key to better mental health, stronger relationships, more effective leadership, and overall well-being. It can be a cornerstone of living a balanced, fulfilling life for men.

Seems simple right? It can be. Join us as we look at why being fun is important and how humour impacts different aspects of our lives.

Laughter is the best medicine.

Stress is everywhere. But how we manage it can impact our mental health. A quick Google search will tell you laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. It reduces cortisol levels, lowers blood pressure, and enhances mood. In a nutshell, a sense of humor offers a natural and healthy way to cope with life’s stresses.

Whether it is a full belly laugh, a smirk, or a chuckle, laughter is the best medicine. Recalling a funny incident in your past, sharing a joke with a colleague, or a tickle battle with a youngster. Each of these can reset your entire day and disperse the stress in your life. 

How do we go about using humour to improve our physical and mental health?

  • Don’t take yourself too seriously – easy to say, hard to do. Says the guy who tripped at a wedding while carrying drinks. When something bad happens, brush yourself off and keep moving forward. Be prepared to encounter one or two people who want to remind you of the incident and look for a way to change the conversation without being aggressive or awkward. 
  • Don’t overdo it – mindlessly watching hours of funny online videos will have the reverse effect. Excessive screentime will isolate you from others and reduce your physical activity. There are so many comedians, movies, skits, etc. that will keep you laughing, and people like being around friends who are smiling and laughing. 
  • Look for the funny in the everyday. Both stress and humour are everywhere around us. While you are waiting in line for coffee your stress levels can peak as you worry about how late you are, how many messages you have coming in, and how your doctor advised you to cut down on sugar and caffeine. Or you can say hello to the person next to you, tell the barista your name is Dr. Evil and maybe even try green tea.

Take my wife … please.

It’s really no secret that the ladies love dudes who can make them laugh. But why? Here are some of the more popular reasons:

  • Laughter creates chemistry for attraction. As the saying goes – Giggles make them wiggle.  As people laugh, they let their guard down and become more open and possibly vulnerable. 
  • A shared sense of humour means you are on the same wavelength. This leads to connection. As you develop “inside jokes” the bonding process deepens. 
  • Funny guys are creative and social. She knows you will be at ease in awkward situations, such as meeting her friends and family.

Being fun and playful are key aspects of being an ideal romantic partner. But timing is everything. Being funny when she wants to talk about a serious topic is a nonstarter. Making fun of her friend’s looks or style – a bad idea even if she was doing it first. Her emotional safety always comes first – jokes come later.

Pro Tip: Local comedy clubs are a great date. Tickets are low cost, usually a very casual atmosphere, and a good step to determine your compatibility e.g. if she doesn’t like fart jokes and you do…

I don’t get no respect.

At work, humour can be a secret weapon. Men who know how to use humour effectively are often seen as more approachable, charismatic, and confident. They create a work environment that is professional while feeling relaxed and engaging. Taking work seriously while keeping the mood light will pay off every workday.  

A colleague who is easy to get along with will be seen as a good collaborator and have his pick of team members. Humor can break the tension in high-pressure situations. Whether you are encouraging a reluctant coworker, negotiating with a client, or delivering bad news to a group of executives, being “just funny enough” will gain you the reputation of a leader. 

Tips for fun in the workplace

  • Be a good listener – be watchful of the type of acceptable humour in your workplace. 
  • Humour is contagious. The team that laughs together stays together.
  • Practical jokes can backfire. If you are planning on “physical comedy” maybe save those for your male friends or kids. 

Google will tell you that people who smile and laugh more live longer, make more money, and have sex more often. Sounds like a good way to live. Make laughing and smiling a priority, and most importantly share what you find funny and before you know it, you’ll have a larger circle around you today, tomorrow and in your senior years. 

Matthew “Biz” Biswas – a member of Midnights Sons since 2018 – lives in Toronto, and is a business owner, father, semiskilled athlete, rock music aficionado, and closet prepper. He can be reached at matthew@biswas.ca or connect with him on Facebook or Instagram @matthewbiswas.

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