Peter Hymans
Guest Contributor
EDITOR’S NOTE: The following challenge comes from a guest contributor, a former MDI member and Legacy Discovery shaman, with some pointed questions and hot-topic poignant points. The views do not reflect the views of MDI as an organization or any MDI leader specially. Whereas this publication does not endorse or routinely engage in any specific political party or talking point, the questions below reflect real societal situations in which we find ourselves in our world. Take from it what you can. The challenge put to you is real.
Please, take a deep dive into the six specific questions below and answer for yourself: Am I doing everything I reasonably can to insure that our world is safe for me, my family and my future descendants, OR am I selling out to the comfort of laziness, or the fear of my barriers?
To be “the MEN we ALWAYS WANTED to BE, we must honestly inspect ourselves and then move in a responsibly honest direction.
- Are we holding accountable the very national and community leaders who are supposed to serve us, but may be serving themselves instead? (We are trained to inspect our team leaders, hold them accountable and offer consequences.)
- Are we willing to defend humanity and fight an honorable battle and be an example to children … by calling out that which is being hidden from the public, such as Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell’s client list and their pedophilia enterprise?
- Are we OK with blatant censorship taking place in our society, though we espouse honoring the truth?
- Are we holding accountable those who could spread lies and support unconstitutional acts?
- Are we inspecting deeply into topics such as the very public G7, World Economic Forum, WHO, CDC and the “Great Reset,” wherein we’re told “You will own nothing but you will be happy?”
- Are we all right with the breaking of confidentiality as found in the involuntary, constant surveillance of “smart” phones, televisions, meters, facial identification software and cameras?
Element 2 in our Code of Honor: “Honor the Truth.”
“TRUTH” has been transformed from rock-solid into squishy Play Doh – where no one appears capable of establishing, embracing and perpetuating THE TRUTH.
We may hear the words “your truth.” But perceptions and the feelings of an individual are not “truth.” Truth is provable, repeatably. Truth-tellers are eager to reveal all evidence to be challenged, repeatedly. That which survives brutal examination may be deemed as being Truth: subject to even more testing.
In my childhood, my parents emphasized deep respect, courage and discipline, to demand and deliver truth. Embraced were phrases such as; “I don’t know for sure” or “This is what I heard” or “It seems to me that.” We embraced the meme: “There is no problem too big to be resolved.”
Later it became clear that my truth-discerning ability was being eroded by the inevitable tendency by others to make shit up and defend it as “truth.” The loudest person would gain power, wealth or status from winning over the others. Over the years, I have felt our world slipping into where the alpha wolf would establish truth, and then the flock might bleat a bit but then passively allow whatever formulaic theme to be enforced by the wolf. In this way, the flock trusts the shepherd all the way to the shearing sheds and ultimately into the stew-pot.
When I came to a men’s circle, I was made aware of certain codes, standards and ways of being. I also heard jargon that may or may not fit in with a higher way.
Men’s Circle Talk:
- “You’re a real warrior, Jones” (Even though “Jones” mainly had three fistfights his whole life and lost two.)
- “I’d go into battle with you anytime, Smith” (Though “Smith” neither wore a military uniform or saw mortal combat anywhere but in the movies.)
- “He’s a badass mother-fucker” (Tough guy talk … surely, though of course he never boinked a “mom.”)
Masculine bravado proclaiming oneself as a “warrior” feels good in safe group environments. And, the ones who talk first, loudest or the most are almost invariably the ones sobbing over failures or claiming victim status from their own bad decisions. Or worse yet, these personalities become dictatorial.
“Battle” is a term that has been embedded into our culture. When characterizing things as “fights,” there must be a winner AND a loser. We swim in opposing concepts, polarized into yes/no, good/bad, Democrat/Republican, Liberal/Conservative and Blue/Red. Too many of us lean too hard, or flock too soon to find the first and loudest, most frequent talkers.
Diplomacy, active listening, empathy, sacrifice and negotiation have been suppressed into a huge zero-sum-game where if we don’t win, we are losers, even at the cost of Constitutionally protected rights.
I am challenged being around people who – in the safety of a team meeting – will “call each other out on their bullshit” but wouldn’t dare to say “The emperor has no clothes!” in a public forum because it might get embarrassing or force one into conversation requiring patience, reason, tolerance or respect. Can we not get to a place where both sides might say, “You make some good points. We’d better get to the bottom of this because the truth is more important than being ‘right.”
I am challenged in seeing grown men, who might leap to risk death to protect a child or even a dog. But … having a conversation about – wait for it – politics might have them shriek, shrink and fade, decrying; “We’re not supposed to talk about this in our circles.”
Many of us smelled the rats around the killings of JFK, Malcom-X, Martin Luther King Jr. and Bobby Kennedy Sr. Many knew the Gulf of Tonkin incident and the U.S.S. Liberty were planned. As the years pass and perpetrators die, truths leak into daylight, shaming the lazy cowards who withheld them so long.
Too many good men see themselves as “warriors” who would “defend” what they believe to be true, without research or proof. Their beliefs may come from media-manufactured memes. I call this “suicidal confirmation bias.” Many people would rather die than have their pet paradigms, sacred cow theories or poorly researched belief systems be challenged.
It’s not about being right or wrong but rather it’s about being strong enough and courageous enough to speak up … and to listen up.
It’s time to develop and embrace the courage of restraint, to be brave and to say “I don’t know.” Time has come today to demand truth when we hear and see wonky things being said, especially when they are attached to things which involve other people’s money, power, warfare and/or the obliteration of rights and freedoms.
So few people read anymore. If it is not in a 25-word sound bite or a 1-minute YouTube video, it is too much trouble. And those who are well-read and who know facts, history and hidden truths are seen as “geeks” or are called “conspiracy theorists,” when in fact such “theorists” are basically lie-detecting, concerned people who want the world to see what is true.
“Of course there is free speech in America… until your audience gets large enough.”
John Barbour
Can you believe that just within the last year, hardware stores have had to put cages over small tools and parts to prevent thievery? Now in California one has to steal over $900 for it to be considered large enough of a crime to prosecute! Dangerous, naked, things are playing out, right in the open. Who’s paying attention? Freedoms are evaporating and our governmental foundations are being jackhammered in broad daylight. Then there’s that lingering, desperately dangerous, cowardly meme of “It always turns our right here in America.”
This author makes few claims of TRUTH though I have read volumes, traveled long and wide, done deep soul searching with the courage to engage in controversial conversations. It is terrifying that millions of people give blind trust to systems that constantly abuse morals, laws, memes, customs, traditions and truth.
“Repressive Desublimation” disintegrates the bonds which unite people, rendering us timid, scared and too antsy to say things which used to be commonplace. When I was little we said:
“Sticks and stones will break my bones but NAMES will never hurt me.”
Today children are being expelled for slight utterances, if they’re even remotely construed, by litigation-fearing teachers, to possibly be “upsetting” to another.
I am reminded of the scene in the film “Little Big Man” where snake oil salesman, Silas Merriweather (Martin Balsam) reprimands young Jack Crabb (Dustin Hoffman) for Jack’s failings because of his “streak of honesty.”
- Merriweather: “A two legged creature will believe anything and the more preposterous the better. Whales speak French at the bottom of the sea. The horses of Arabia have silver wings. Pygmies mate with elephants in darkest Africa. I have sold all those propositions.”
- Crabb: “Or, maybe we’re all fools and none of it matters.”
- Merriweather: “Ahhhhh…..”
When the lies of sadists, scoundrels, opportunists, narcissists and, just perhaps, satanists are well-told, the “suckers born every minute” seem to line up to be fleeced.
The cost of truth and freedom are often exceeded by the benefits once they are secured, inspected repeatedly and defended honorably.
Thank you for living the code and being the men we’ve been looking for.
Mitakuye Oyasin.
Peter Hymans is a Northern California native and a father of three sons. He has a long history on men’s teams and in divisions. Peter was on the training team of nearly 20 Legacy Discovery events. Professionally, he sells commercial refrigeration and wine storage systems. His passions include professional photography and fly fishing. Peter is active in the Free Now Foundation supporting efforts to defend and protect children from modern destructive trends.
Philámayay – ‘All my Relations’ are indeed being lulled to the altar for sacrifice. Thank you for your most thought-provoking article my Brother! – Pollatos