How Are You Living YOUR Life?

David Plante 
Guest Writer

PURPOSE: Why are you on this planet. Are you taking up space and oxygen, or are you here to do something?

You are here because your forefathers were winners. Entire generations have been eradicated from this planet, yet you are still here. 

What is it going to say on the epitaph of your tombstone?  Will anyone be impressed?

If you want to know what your purpose is, look at how you are are living your life … THAT IS YOUR PURPOSE.  

If you are excited about how you are living your life, then congratulation!  You are the next generation of men who will further the success of the world. 

If you are not excited about how you are living your life, then CHANGE IT.  Make a commitment, enact some discipline, practice integrity, and tell the truth to your men. 

Purpose is a moving, living, breathing thing. It can change on a moment’s notice or be consistent for years. Whether or not you pay attention to it, what matters most is that you practice living it.  

How are you living your life today? If I asked the men around you, would they agree? 

CHALLENGE: Leave a comment with your purpose and enter a drawing for a $100 Amazon gift card. This is real. Drawing will be on December 15, 2019, and the winner will be contacted by the e-mail used to submit the comment by the end of the day December 16, 2019. 

Play fair. 

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