How the Mature Masculine Manifests Itself

Ben Estes
Guest Contributor

The following is a brief summary of my take on Mature Masculinity and how it manifests itself.

Mature Masculinity is a context that’s expressed in disciplined behavior and practices like:

  • Telling the truth
  • Cooperation and collaboration (Team)
  • Clearing lists
  • Adopting, holding and honoring standards
  • Hierarchical leadership (leading and following)
  • Clear agreements (Integrity)
  • Accountability
  • MDI Mission, Vision and Code of Honor
  • Striving:
    • For Greatness and Excellence
    • For An ever larger/higher context and purpose
    • To stand in support of things instead of against things (Builders vs. Destroyers)

Men’s Circles

When Mature Masculinity is present in a men’s circle, the men are more effective in everything they do together. Mature Masculine men need less from others, so they have more to give to others. 


Mature Masculine men are usually satisfied in their relationships because they see relationships as places to give rather than receive.

Barriers & Hardships

Mature Masculine men tend to tell the truth, even if doing so might be painful. This can be a hardship, feeling the pain of conflict or the end of a relationship. Truly expressing a Mature Masculine context is difficult because it will invariably require sacrifice that you may be unwilling to bear. 


Adopting and expressing a Mature Masculine context requires a commitment to mastering the art and science of leadership. This is because the community needs to work together to accomplish the difficult work of survival and prosperity (which requires Leadership).

Higher Purpose/Gifts

Mature Masculinity is a context that includes the entire community because the community is the place where Mature Masculinity is needed most and it’s where men live their lives. Mature Masculinity is a path that supports men to be honorable and effective in their service to humanity.

2 thoughts on “How the Mature Masculine Manifests Itself”

  1. Ben,
    Thanks for your wisdom – great reminder about mature masculinity.
    And, thanks for the help with the 100 Man Ceremony! We had a good turnout. Lisa Ling was overwhelmingly impressed with the young men and the volunteers!

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