Investing Wisely in Self, Health and Wealth

Michael Burns
MDI Contributor

I started “investing” in earnest after October 15, 1975, at age 27. That is the day I hit bottom, near death.

I was the victim of a drunk-driver-head-on car crash. The concussion and broken bones I suffered put me into the hospital ICU, unconscious for seven days, in a coma. This scared the bejeezus out of my family, but for me. Waking up from seven days in a coma with the concussion had me feeling like I was tripping, a normal state of being at that time in my life. I had/have no memory of the actual crash, so it was pretty much a pain-free experience. I awoke to a new life, perspective, way of being.

Day by day the amount I invested would increase as my head cleared and the broken bones mended. I mindfully chose to invest in my body, mind, and soul, into ME. During the first 27 years of my life, I had done no intentional investing into ME. 

I had been blessed with a genetically healthy, athletic body at birth, and my Dad, Hank, constantly encouraged, taught, and put me in situations to learn a variety of sports. But it took nearly dying for me to wake up and choose, by and for myself, to invest in the wholistic health of me.

I began putting assets into my body’s account with the rehabilitation process after the “accident.” The growth of principle holdings was and still is steady. The dividends were and still are automatically reinvested. Rarely did I make a withdrawal to cover serious mistakes I had committed.

Here is what I can remember about the progression of investments:


  • Walk my dogs using a walker, then crutches, then a cane, on streets, then woods, then beach Fund
  • Go to Israel alone for a year to see if understanding my ancestral roots would help me discover my true identity Fund
  • Establish walking, running, cycling, and swimming as daily routine Fund
  • Own, operate, live out of natural food store Fund
  • Alternative Health Care Fund (emphasis on nutrition, massage, chiropractic care)
  • Spiritual Education Fund
  • Men’s Work Fund
  • Mother Care Fund
  • Native American Ceremony Fund
  • Earth Philosophy and Wilderness Skills Fund
  • Retirement Fund
  • Mentoring Fund
  • Wife Care Fund
  • Old Fart Fund

At age 76, I am awash in gratitude for that near-death car “accident” gift given to me by my guardian angel: a drunk transvestite, Katherine Michael Strom who was headed south on Highway 1 for a gay convention in Monterey, while I was driving from Monterey north to Santa Cruz to see a Jerry Garcia and Merle Saunders concert. 

“Health is Wealth.” The health of my mind, body, and soul is sound. Me and mine are set for the remainder of our lives.

The wise investments I have made since October 15, 1975 have appreciated exponentially in value, and are greatly appreciated by me and all in my life.

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