It’s Time to Retire Resolutions!

Matthew “Biz” Biswas
MDI Contributor

In early January of 2024, I made a list of things to accomplish. That list included:

  1. Triple my business income
  2. Take three trips
  3. Complete a few home projects
  4. Reconstruct my body
  5. Give my love life a massive boost.

Surprise, I didn’t achieve them all.  

Lots did happen in 2024 and I’m very grateful. I did put a dent in my 2024 resolutions and many men have congratulated me on my achievements.  But I don’t want to be in the same situation again next year. I know I’m not alone. Every week I meet with men who year after year have the same goals and objectives with very little progress. These men vow to:

  • Take on sobriety
  • Give up destructive habits
  • Exercise more
  • Lose weight
  • Get out of bed on time
  • Control their emotions 
  • Quit their day job and start a business
  • Etc.

My feeling is these men will start 2025 with the same goals and end 2025 with almost no progress.

There are a range of emotions and experiences that prevent us from achieving our resolutions. For me, it’s particularly perfectionism and unreal expectations.  What is it for you?  Fear of failure/success, comfort in the now, the need for approval? The list goes on and on.

If you’ve read this far, you probably aren’t willing to let 2025 unfold versus stepping up and making real changes this year.  Right?  So go ahead and make your list of 2025 resolutions. But do it differently this year. Ditch the grand gestures – commit to levelling up. What does that mean?  In all the areas of your life where you want to see improvement focus on moving up a level – not hitting some big number.  For example:

  • Lose one pant size – don’t worry about losing 30 pounds
  • Save 1 percent of your paycheck vs 10 percent
  • Take up one new hobby/sport/activity not four
  • Have fewer drinks when you are out on the weekend – work soft drinks into the evening and skip the hangover.  

This goes against the typical SMART goal (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, Trackable) that many of us have been chasing. Let’s face it: It hasn’t worked perfectly so far.  

So how are you going to level up? Here are some ideas. 

Surround Yourself With The Right People

In August I had the good fortune to visit old friends at their cottage. I hadn’t spent this kind of time with them in decades. While I was in the lap of their luxury enjoying their financial success, I asked myself – what does he do that I don’t? One answer was – he doesn’t spend a single minute a day on social media. From that weekend on, I dumped my daily 30 to 60-minute TikTok habit. I eliminated something from my life that was a distraction. I now have extra time daily to read, write, exercise, network, drive projects forward, etc. that I was wasting before. It took just being around someone who I admired to do that.  

This fall, I was invited to an exclusive event for business owners. It was amazing to be surrounded by hundreds of successful people. They dressed better, spoke better, and were knowledgeable and informed. It has encouraged me to find a similar group of people.   

So back up from the people around you who aren’t moving forward. Their lack of progress is pulling you back. Make sure you are around the people who are living the kind of life you want to live. 

Consume Inspirational Stories

Hearing how people achieve their goals will encourage us to level up.  

The Arnold Schwarzenegger three-part bio on Netflix is a must-watch. Arnold grew up in Austria in the shadow of World War II. His father’s wartime trauma resonated throughout the family. Arnold didn’t let that stop him from becoming one of the most accomplished people in the past century.  

The podcast “We Regret To Inform You” has over 100 stories of actors, businesspeople, inventors etc. who met with success after years of rejection and failure.

One of the most powerful tools in your arsenal to level up your 2025 performance is your library card.

Make It A Combo

Look for opportunities to blend your goal achievement with your day-to-day life. You will be amazed at the progress you can make.

This past year, when traffic in Toronto was at its worst, I chose to use my bicycle as a primary source of transportation to visit family, go on dates, attend events, etc. As a result, I doubled my exercise goals during the good weather, saved time and aggravation versus sitting in the car, discovered new neighbourhoods and kept money in my pocket versus giving it to the gas stations and parking lots. 

Some of these “combo units” are easy.

  • Want to spend time more time with children? Play sports with them, swim, bike, etc. You will build a lifetime of memories and get fit too.
  • Plan on reading more but feel you don’t have time Take public transport; you can burn up books riding the bus.
  • Need to spend less time on your phone scrolling? Get outside as soon as you wake up. Walk the dog, go for a run, do a simple chore… After a shower and a cup of coffee, you will be surprised how little you crave your phone. Do the same thing at night. Put your phone away before you go outside, and when you climb into bed you won’t miss it. Completing a simple chore gives you way more satisfaction than swiping away on your phone. 

Final Words – Think Big, Start Small and Move Quickly

Over the next 365 days, many curve balls will be thrown at you. If you stay too rigid to the plan you make in January you will miss opportunities to meet and exceed your goals. In the book “Atomic Habits,” James Clear says many times it’s OK to skip one day – but not two.  So, if you are under the weather, away at a conference, or family duties take your eye off the ball – practice self-compassion and make sure you get right back on track to levelling up. 

By retiring the outdated tradition of New Year resolutions, you can adopt more sustainable and enjoyable ways to grow. Focus on levelling up and you can create meaningful, lasting change – not just for a year, but for a lifetime.

Matthew “Biz” Biswas has been a member of Midnights Sons since 2018. A resident of Toronto, he is a business owner, father, semiskilled athlete, rock music aficionado, and closet prepper. He can be reached at or on Facebook or Instagram at @matthewbiswas and subscribe to his substack.

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