Joe Kaper, 2022 Legacy Magazine MDI Man of the Year – Honorable Mention

I have only known Kaper for approximately two years. In that time what the man has brought to the men’s circles I have been involved in is the powerful and influential definition of the MDI mission, vision, and purpose of what it means to be a mature, powerful, masculine male.

The tribe I am part of, Warrior Son’s has talked about and kicked around a community action team for three years and the results for the most part were less than stellar. This past year Kaper took the lead on the tribal community action team, and it is amazing to see the turn around in the results. Kaper was the driving force behind raising money to support children at Christmas time in the southern Maine area.

He was also the leader on holding the first regional event since Covid 19 and this event was a huge and powerful success. His go, go, go energizer Bunny personality radiates in all things he is involved in. He is also one of the men involved in running OIP Zoom meetings and brings powerful, positive energy into helping men learn what MDI is about and what it’s like to be on a men’s team. He provides support in creating a space for a man to identify the challenges and barriers in his life and not only how to work through them, but to grow through this process and help men become the man he was created to be.

His passion and energy helps him meet challenges head on and this man’s passion and potential are going to be a driving force in whatever role he assumes in life as well as MDI.

~ Paul Marcotte

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