Joe Kaper: Leading a Community in Action

Paul Marcotte
Northeast Region / Legacy Magazine Scout

The Legacy Interview with Joe Kaper, Community Service Manager for the Northeast Region, Warrior Son’s Men’s Division.

  • Mr. Kaper, what are you building?

I am building up the Community Action Team for the Warrior Son’s Tribe of MDI. This work is providing a greater connection between the teams in the Warrior Sons Tribe and the local community. This gives MDI exposure to the local community, and at the same time this work supports the Mission and Vision of MDI. 

  • How are you accomplishing this?

We are doing this as a team effort by combining the forces of both teams in the Warrior Son’s Tribe to raise funds to support the members of the local communities during the upcoming holiday season. 

  • Who is this impacting?

To start off, it is impacting the men on the teams in a positive and challenging way. They can focus and channel their efforts into providing families with food and gift cards. By doing so, it helps the men focus on and embrace the Code of Honor while having an impact on the families in need. It is providing a win – win situation. 

  • What skills did you develop in MDI that are helping you to move in this direction?

Communication skills, time management skills, the ability to ask for help in dealing with the Community Action Team, and most definitely my leadership training skills. 

This work is helping the men in the tribe to embrace the Mission, the Vision of MDI and to cause greatness in every person involved with the Community Action Team. 

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