Leading from the Back – A Message from the Prez 

I write this note for you with joy and happiness for the great things coming up for MDI, along with a heavy heart, as we lost two men recently. San Diego lost Jerry Strand and the Mountain Warriors lost John Adams. They touched lives and made a difference, as both men had incredible spirits with bright energy. They kept in contact with their men. Both spoke highly of the men to everyone. Our circles will miss them. For all the men who were touched by these men’s spirits, my heart goes out to you. Jerry Strand was a friend and a teammate that I will miss.

We will carry on with all the men who have ever gone before in our hearts.

One place we will be going is Atlanta!


MDI is throwing a RHINO like no other Rhino. In the form of a Tribal Initiation, it will be an International gathering the likes and scale of which has never been seen. Men will be speaking of this event 20 years from now. If you enjoy FUN, LAUGHTER, GUT WRENCHING  and LAUGHTER GREAT TIME, this is for you. 

ATLANTA GEORGIA is where. 200-plus men will be there. Fathers, sons, brothers from all over. Do not miss out. You will be hearing about this over and over as the months go by. And then you will be talking about it for years after that. 

            ~ Sandy Peisner, MDI President

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