Leading from the Back – A Message from the Prez – September 2013

After being in the room with all of the MDI leaders – the RCs, DCs as well as the international core team and past presidents – I  am left humbled, inspired and impressed by a band of brothers who are dedicated to a circle of successful men. 

For as long as I have been in MDI, everyone speaks of growth. Growth for growth’s sake isn’t what MDI is about. Touching lives is. Being the difference, supporting men to win in their lives, being a role model for women and children. All divisions and regions do amazing community service. We have all seen men who play “all in” get wisdom and win at life. It may appear as a better relationship with their wife, a higher paying job, or the like. What we do isn’t easy, and it frightens some. MDI men get things done. They are role models. Former RC Bob Bihr said, “We are the men we’ve been waiting for.” 

MDI is about touching lives. In our growth cycles, we have simply replaced men who have moved on due to scheduling conflicts, relocation, or who are not open to feedback. It is time to reach out to new communities and take our Legacy Discovery and Basic Leader Trainings to cities and towns we are not currently located. I’m creating a team to draw up a business plan not only to have a localized event, but to also create new MDI teams, touch more lives and be the difference. Thank you for being the men on teams that have inspired me.

Thank you for being the men who make my life better.

            ~ Sandy Peisner, MDI President

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