Leading from the Back – A President’s Vision 

Sandy Peisner

It seems like only yesterday I was meeting (or thought I was meeting) my buddy Doug Belden for a beer. What I found myself at was a men’s team meeting instead. Yeah, no beer. At this pivotal meeting, I was witness to two men clearing a grudge (or “list”) on each other. They felt the anger, got out their upset and yet I saw no violence. I had never seen anything like this before. That very meeting I committed to “being in.” Eleven years later I’m still in.

I joined MDI as an angry man. My ex-wife and I fought over so much, we couldn’t be in the same room without a battle. My team taught me to refrain from engaging in battle with her. Now things are completely different. I’m not perfect, but my ex-wife and I do speak and communicate. We can even meet for dinner at times … good for about 80 minutes. I wish to thank all the men who worked with me. Thank you to the men who helped me learn to compliment her. The anger is gone.

My teams have supported me as I grew in various ways – as a dad, through unemployment and other life challenges. I don’t have all the answers, and I still struggle with my own baggage. Some baggage you have to let go of. All I can do is give my best. 

As an organization, we have many challenges: 

  • Grow our organization
  • Modernize our websites
  • Define our purpose
  • Mentor men to be better fathers, husbands, boyfriends and businessmen. 

We all make a difference in our community.  

MDI gives us a community and a culture … acceptance along with inspection. It isn’t always easy to take it all in at team meeting. We are all in this together. It has always amazed me to think that men in New Jersey, Massachusetts, Toronto, Atlanta are finishing their meetings and men in Oakland, Los Angeles, San Diego, Calgary are starting theirs. It is our organization, and it doesn’t matter the level of your team – division, region or international – we all own MDI.

Thank you to all the men for being the difference in this community and in my life.

Sandy Peisner

MDI President  

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