Brian Mumford – Legacy Magazine’s Man of the Year

The Legacy Magazine Man of the Year is the man who has truly exemplified the spirit of MDI’s core values and principles, showing up as an example for successful families, careers and communities, and helping put MDI on the map for its highest impact.

By what criteria do we judge a man? Is it by his wealth? His status? Where do we look? Is it by commitments he keeps? If you believe this to be so, then we would like to introduce you to Brian Mumford, The Legacy Magazine Man of the Year. A man who may resemble many men you may know.

The 32-year-old’s involvement within Mentorship Discover Inspire began February 2014. His then-wife found a post online for someone looking to meet up with other new dads. Soon Mumford found himself showing up to his first men’s team meeting. “It was way… way out in the woods of Penacook, New Hampshire,” he recalls, in three feet of snow. When they arrived at the meeting site, they had to search for, and dig out the fire pit. Soon they were cooking up burgers and dogs. “I’ve been hooked ever since,” he said.

Mumford found a lot of personal value in team and division leadership. “I find my purpose in life by bringing people together.” In less than three years he has found himself the Division Coordinator for Mountain Warriors of New Hampshire, while filling the posts of Finance Manager, Outreach Leader, and most of all Team Captain.

“When I completed as captain, the other captains in the New England Region brought to me all the impact I had given them.” This snapshot moment of how he had contributed to other leaders made a big impact. His lesson from being team captain had much to do with giving away the power to the teammates, in the knowledge that “delegation is leadership.”

Mumford saw changes once he began applying his lessons in leadership to his life. He found himself moving forward from a failing marriage. He had moved on from a job that suddenly seemed too small. This man is growing.

“Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.”

Albert Einstein

Being part of Mountain Warriors men’s division “kept my head on straight,” he said. He managed to give up a lot of grief from the past. “While getting divorced, instead of feeling sorry for myself, I’m taking advantage of what’s in my path. I do this for my kids. I want them to see me doing what needs to be done. So that they can grow up strong and confident.” These strong, confident kids are two boys, ages 3 and 6.

“While I was captain, we had opportunity to help a man who had some ailment, and he was in need of help. This opportunity for community,” said Mumford. Word spread, and local news outlet WMUR sent a news crew to cover the good deed. “The real opportunity was about the support this ailing man received,” said Mumford. Next morning his friends at the gym recognized him from the TV. Mumford was helping put MDI on the map.

Soon thereafter, a young reporter from the New Hampshire Union Leader wrote a feature on his experience as part of two men’s team meetings. Not surprisingly, Mumford was again interviewed about what impact his experience has had on his life and his community. Once again, the MDI man was the shining example of MDI core values and principles. Story HERE.

Mumford says MDI supports him to find more time to meditate, getting involved with Scouts and with his boys. A financial analyst for eight years, Mumford wants to be a life and fitness coach, because he wants to help people grow.

“Lots of men have advice,” he says. “If you have men who really have your back, they can help you keep you on task. But you have to own your own purpose and your own direction. That’s up to you.”

This spirit, this purpose and this giving is just part of the reason Brian Mumford of the Mountain Warriors Division and New England Region is the Legacy Magazine’s Man of the Year.

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