
Olaf Krop, The Mature King

EDITOR’S NOTE – Mentor Discover Inspire veteran leader and mature masculine king Olaf Krop – who has been dealing with health challenges since May 2024 – joins Legacy Magazine editor James Anthony Ellis to discuss his story, his mission and his legacy. A veteran of the men’s work within MDI since April 1998, Krop has held pretty much every leadership position, including Division Coordinator, Regional Coordinator, International Director of the Membership Training Program, Chairman of the Board and as of July the MDI President, a position he needed to leave, regretfully and painfully, due to serious illness. We’ll be delving into that decision, Krop’s vision of the future of MDI and the vision of a world in need of mature masculine men. We are glad to share the time, delving into Krop’s insights, experience and higher purpose.

This is the Legacy Interview.

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