MDI Expansion Takes The Initiative 

Mentor Discover Inspire (MDI) was ahead of the curve. And now it will be in position to ensure its men’s teams are strong, committed and focused on men’s success.

It was only a short time ago. In January 2019, MDI started conducting organization-wide online Zoom men’s team meetings, supporting the men who were in outlying territories apart from teams meeting in person.

Online advertising started two months later but only with a few select areas. It grew slowly by allocating to more regions, and it was only six months ago that the entire organization began its advertising campaign to include ATLAS: the world-wide Zoom-only men’s division.

MDI’s social media advertising has aimed to reach more men and the communities they influence. Because of this type of outreach, the organization quickly realized that the traditional way of inviting men through personal relationships was no longer being used. Focusing on solution, a new idea of introducing men to MDI and its team meetings was devised: the Expansion Initiative (EXI).

In this program, guests are offered two short online opportunities to be with other men also coming fresh off answering a social media advertisement. Here, they get a real-life experience of how a team of men can help them win big goals, navigate life challenges and live a higher purpose life.

Said Frank DeCarlo, Vice President of the Expansion Initiative, “EXI really derived and came from what would happen when men off the street suddenly started to appear at team meetings. Having each team explain who we are in different ways, expressing the importance of confidentiality, being on time, code of honor, leadership opportunities, was one thing. But it became clear that asking men to replace their team time for ‘tire kickers’ had a good chance of a resulting in an overstayed welcome.”

“This is all about the men not yet here.”

Ian Kennard, MDI President

According to DeCarlo, the idea was to develop an elite group of leaders from across MDI who locate, educate, and deliver team-ready men to MDIs teams. 

DeCarlo, who was previously Manager of the Online Introductory Program (OIP), said during the February 17 Town Hall meeting that the process of bringing men into the MDI circle will always be about strengthening relationships.

“Some of you have already had good experiences with EXI. Others ask why it is still here,” he said. “We’re addressing all of that and working with the entire International Leadership Team to augment what it originally set out to accomplish and not to replace how we personally connect with men by inviting who we care about into our circles. The program is still young. It’s going to get even better. It needs our care. It needs time. It needs our support, and it needs the men of MDI to further help develop it and introduce what we do to more men.”

Stan Snow, MDI’s Executive Director, said: “MDI’s Expansion Initiative is an effort to expand our reach into the world beyond our personal enrollment of the men in our lives. It is not intended to replace that enrollment. We get to connect with men we might never have met otherwise. And while the Expansion Initiative is having a positive impact on new men joining, the value a man gets from having enrolling conversations with other men we know and meet is priceless and irreplaceable.“

Said MDI President Ian Kennard, “DeCarlo and his EXI team continue to build a strong program supporting our growth. MDI men should watch for details about an upcoming regional competition. This is all about the men not yet here.”

Reach out to Frank DeCarlo via the MDI Bitrix system to find out all the opportunities now available and how you can help in the success of the EXI program.

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