Men Define Terms for Successful Careers

We queried some of the men in our circles about their own definitions of “successful careers,” and here is what they came up with:

50 years a musician
42 years in the same job
30 years YMAW
Oh yeah,….. and….
42 years DaD
20 years Grandad
Go find some place to make a positive difference out there
Lord knows they need all the help they can get.

  • Brad Leslie

A successful career is one which affords me the opportunity to live the life I choose to live.

  • Rich O’Keeffe

I know I am successful, when: my professional contacts return to me for service; when I am forgiven for mistakes; when my relationships grow beyond professional topics and encompass human events and causes; when I wake up in the morning, looking forward to “whatever comes my way” because I can dig my way out of a slump and use the energy of joy to help someone else rise out of a sine-wave trough.

  • Pete Hymans

Earn a comfortable living. Enough to pay bills, have some fun, pay off debt, save for healthy retirement and allows for a balanced work/life.

  • Avi Cohen

That which supports us being fully self sufficient and adds meaning to our lives.

  • Thomas Farrell

All of the above plus it’s fun, fascinating and it supports my higher purpose.

  • Bill Tillman

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