Mentoring the Next Generation One Moment at a Time

Gordon Rogers
Contributor, MDI

We within the Calgary section of Mentor Discover Inspire have started the process of shifting what we do to include the support of young men in need.

For the last few months we have been building a team of young men and division elders to work with each other on one team, supporting The Alex Youth Recovery Centre.

The context is officially Standing in Love.

Michael Noble took charge of the team and asked other men to join him in the quest. He is seconded by Robert Stuart.

The Alex Centre can see up to 2,000 young people a week. And that number is growing every week.

Many young men do not have a father in their lives, and in some cases no mother as well. In certain surveys, almost every young man says that he missed masculine relationship in his life.

At our gatherings, we have fun with food and brotherhood. We have a chant and standards for our meetings.

Some of the best meetings we have had are the ones where we cook our food over the fire or do an activity like the football games. Recently we did a canoe night on Glenmore Reservoir, and we are about to hold an open mic music night in Calgary.

One of the biggest things we teach is to show up and let the rest happen. We are having fun helping in the community and will continue as long as we can. 

Having the young men show up on a regular committed and trustful basis is one of our ongoing challenges, however we have the support of some of the best counselors and support staff to guide us towards success. 

This is making a difference in the community, one moment at a time.

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