Playing the Game of Life

Fred Rai
Guest Contributor

The game that’s most memorable for me is my life. Simple as that.

Do you ever play sports?

I mean like sports at a competitive level of perhaps high school, college or maybe even pro?

Do you recall the feeling of what being in the game entails? Even if you weren’t the best, nor the worst?

Do you recall the camaraderie of the male buddies around you?

Do you recall the guy you were responsible to cover and back up. That man whose got your back in the trenches in the game? The man whose back you had?

If you were privileged to be around such males, you already know the feelings you had, and you recall what you needed to WIN.

And to win the game you had to follow the rules and maneuver with skill, like pieces on a chess board.

The aim was always TO WIN.

Whether it was scoring the winning goal or final point, or crossing the finish line, it often came down to a game of seconds, in the sort of game Bruce Springsteen so eloquently captured in “Glory Days … in the wink of a young man’s eyes.”

Sit back and enjoy the game and your place in it, and recall all of the glory you participated in throughout the years you’ve travelled.

Each day is a game, and the object is to win, to wake up, to live, to smile, to have health and family who loves you and whom you love in return.

The GLORY DAYS are still here my men.


Play it to win and do so knowing your men can participate along next to you.

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