Roger Krone

It is an awesome thing to see a man get what he’s got coming to him. Roger Krone has made such a difference for so many men, we are proud to name Roger Krone as our MDI Man of the Year Honorable Mention. Please come see who Krone is, and how he has impacted so many.

Roger is always there for the men.  He’s had to juggle the ever increasing zoom log-in confusions, he’s gotten the S1’s in the region to be the best S1 team we’ve seen in a long time, he assures he’s always in relationship with his RC and has made sure the Western Region has run smoothly.  He’s the best Regional S1 in the WER I’ve seen in years!

Matt Tager

Krone has raised a son that is a hard-working respectful and honorable man.  Krone has assisted and supported young male relatives by allowing them to live with him, demonstrating the value of hard work, integrity, honesty while teaching them how to cook for themselves, raise their own food and behave as clean and sober members of our community.

Krone has been an exemplary S1 at every level and during this pandemic has had to establish the means and methods for the Western Region to continue meeting in a seamless fashion.  The Teams, the Men, the Divisions do not know what he has done because he has done it so well.  Re-establishing dozens and dozens of Zoom links as schedules change and security requires has been his secret super-power.  Krone’s work has made every leader that holds a meeting succeed.  Krone is living his weekend in a way that allows hundreds more live theirs.  As a former S1 I can attest to Krone’s willingness and ability to get that  “Blue Vase” from the Go-Getter book.  His history in this organization stretches back from before this organization existed and he re-introduces traditions long lost, rituals forgotten, and wisdom sorely needed.  For all this Roger Krone is The MDI Man of The Year.

Dennis Speer

Team Alpha, Legacy Division, WER   Regional S1
AV/zoom manager for trainings
zoom link coordinator for WER, maybe International too
no one sees him doing the work

Michael Burns

He has worked tirelessly to help the Western region succeed during this trying time of Zoom. Stepping right into the Regional S1 role from being Legacy S1, he has done a huge amount of work helping us to keep our meetings “live” and coordinated and always stepping up to take on more.

Bill Robertson

For decades Krone has stepped up to fill every job offered him, from Point Man to Kitchen Manager to Strike Team.   He seems to only leave a job when he already has another calling for him.  Krone was Legacy Division S1 up to the day he became Western Region S1.  As WER S1 he has set up and trained the Region in use of Zoom, tirelessly working to supply new links for every Team and Program as well as serve the Board of Directors week of meetings.  Krone has continued to be humble and do the invisible job of making all of us communicate at the Team, Division, Regional and International level.  He raised a son that lives a life of honor and integrity, Krone has helped and supported young men in his family and continues to do so.  Man of the Year is a small part of what he has earned for Krone qualifies as Man of the Decade as well.

Speer, Dennis

He always says yes whenever he is asked to help. As Division S1 and then Regional S1 he brought the entire region up to speed with effectively using Zoom to have successful meetings. He managed the technology of regional Zoom meetings and trainings. At the annual Legacy community service Walnut Avenue Family and Women’s Center holiday dinner he would volunteer all day to cook turkeys. He has been a stalwart of Legacy Men’s Division and before that Source Men’s Division since he joined our circle in 1994.

— Steve Goodman

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