
Ricardo Philip


How does your men's team help you live a better life? In other words ... what keeps you coming back week over week?

My team provides me with a secure environment where I can receive support from men who I trust. I can also contribute to the lives of other men. I have developed many friendships on my team and within the larger organization.

Why did you join MDI?

I joined MDI because of its unique environment and because it has given so much to me

Is there any special moment or story about your men's team and MDI that stands out to you, that makes you smile proudly?

My Legacy Discovery weekend is a moment that I cherish deeply. It allowed me to connect with myself and my vision and allowed me to move forward from a bankrupt state and recreate my life. I am proud of this and forever grateful to have MDI in my life.

Is there an area in your life, that you've completely transformed with your men's team?

Legacy Discovery allowed me to transform myself as father and husband. I also recreated my employment and created financial stability and started my own company. I became a better man! I have a better life!

What would you say to a new man who is considering joining an MDI men's team?

Like many other men throughout the ages, you need a place where you can share, receive and confide in the company of other men. Be open to receive what MDI can give you

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