Submit your photo or video to the Wall of Fathers

Now is the time to celebrate fathers and fatherhood for Father’s Day!

Here is a chance to honor your father or to celebrate fatherhood as a father yourself. You can do this in a few ways. Upload the photo with you and your children. Upload a photo with you and your dad. Offer a favorite memory. Submit some words to honor him. Or create a short video with your children or father, interviewing or conversing with them. Example interview questions are below.

Submit your content, and we will publish the collection on “The Wall of Fathers“.


“3 Questions About Your Dad” (No interview, a man simply talking about his father)

1. What’s the best thing about your dad?
2. What has your dad taught you about life?
3. How will you continue his legacy?

“3 Questions For Dad” (A man interviewing his dad)

1. What did you most want to teach me about life?
2. How have I done?
3. How can I best honor your legacy?

“3 Questions From Dad” (A man interviewing his child / children)

1. What have you learned from me about life?
2. How can I best guide you in your life now?
3. Is there anything you have wanted to know about me that I haven’t shared?

See a moving example of one father interviewing his son, and vice versa. FATHERING VIDEO HERE.