Thanks Dad For a Great Life

Chris Estevez
Contributor, MDI


AUGUST 27, 1934 – A great man was born on this day.

Jose Estevez

FEBRUARY 8, 2012 – A great man died on this day.


As I write this piece dedicated to gratitude, I mention the day of your birth as well as mention the day of your death as well. My reason?

Because that is only the day you left your body. You never died. You legacy lives on in so many places. In your children, your grandchildren, your nieces and nephews, your military unit especially your National Guard Unit. Every time I look at the Intrepid Air and Space Museum I know that you played an instrumental role in making that happen. Your impact on Law Enforcement is still evident even today. The communities you lived in, served and loved are so much better for having you in them.

You truly did everything with drive, desire and for the good of others.

As I said on the day you left your body: “Dad you were a man that carried more water than you drank.”

All of that is well, good and important. But for me the most important legacy you left WAS ME!

Yes. As a man you made me who I am. You live in me. You shaped and impacted every aspect of my life. Till this day I ask, “What would my Father do?”

  • Driven — Dad you did that.
  • Loyal — Dad you did that.
  • Service — Dad you did that.
  • Protector — Dad you did that.
  • Father — Dad proudly in your image I am.
  • Outdoorsman — Dad you did that.
  • Stubborn — Dad you did that.
  • Tough — Dad you did that.
  • Bad temper — Yeah you did that too, but you gave me the wisdom that you gained to harness that demon.

And so much more…

On this occasion of revealing gratitude, I want to HONOR you for making me the man I am and for making me part of your legacy.

Dad, both Joann and I know that you gave all you had, and when the call come you had no regrets.

Your reach and impact far exceed your time on this earth.

How fortunate we where to have two amazing parents.

And Mom thanks for keeping that man on the path to greatness! I miss you both.

If you had a doubt whether I listened or not, just take a look at the quote.

You told me this when I was 16. I still remember it today. In fact I live it today.

It’s the quote of the day.

“Christopher, size is really a state of mind. Be this son, 5-6 in size; 6-5 in presence.“ – Jose Estevez.

Thank you Dad.

1 thought on “Thanks Dad For a Great Life”

  1. Great job. What a blessing the world has received from your dad: a juge ripple of masculine energy and legacy. Cheers to your memory!

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