The Living Legacy Project Capturing Success & Wisdom

The Purpose of the Living Legacy Project

To keep alive, in archive, the wisdom of the men, the success stories of the men and the legacy of our men so that future generations can benefit from and be uplifted by the men who have gone before.

Those MDI men who have taken the Legacy Discovery may recall a ritual in which they were to keep a flame flickering above a match, as they shared what they believed would be the legacy they left behind. 

As men, we do not know how long we have here in this life, as we grow, as we push for our success, and as we create a legacy for future generations. Like a candle that glimmers for a flicker of time before it goes out, we embrace whatever limited time we have. 

Knowing this, now there is a way to capture the success stories, the acknowledgments, the eulogies, and the wisdom of the men.

It is THE LIVING LEGACY PROJECT, where MDI men can contribute content to populate a living legacy through their valued experience within our circles. 

Stan Snow, MDI Executive Director, said, “The Living Legacy Project is an effort by MDI to connect men in our organization to the stories that are meaningful to them, and through that connect to men out in the world who need to hear about us.” 

The Legacy Magazine, active since 2013, shifts gears in 2022 by introducing an online portal – found HERE and on the opening page of the MDI Membership Site – where members can submit content that covers such departments:

  • The Wall of Fathers – A Thank You page for Dad – a gallery of pictures, prose and memories.
  • The Chamber of Success – Inspiring success stories of men winning, or being the man they’ve always wanted to be.
  • The Wing of Wisdom – Wisdom of the Men, lessons learned in life, shared for the benefit of others. 
  • The Archives of Attaboys – A brief acknowledgment, man to man, for who that man is and what he’s done.
  • The Hall of Legacy – MDI men who have made a difference for the organization, to include the Legacy Magazine Man of the Year, the Rick Russell Award, the Hall-Of-Honor nominees from the past, etc.  
  • The Mausoleum –  Honoring a man who has passed away.

The latter replaces the challenging-to-manage “THE BOOK,” created in 2008 by Rod Greene of the then Southwest Region, after the death of MDI veteran Kurt Thorne, as a “way to remember men who dug the well.” Said Greene, “We must be missing 100 men. If we can get more men acknowledged by doing it digitally, then so be it.“

Of the overall Living Legacy Project, Fred Tomasello Jr., who has consistently contributed articles to the Legacy Magazine, said, “How do we as humble human beings leave something of value when we pass on? I am hoping men will use the Living Legacy Project to pass on wise advice from ‘lessons learned.’ THAT is golden.”  

MDI President Ian Kennard said, “I look forward to reading the men’s stories. I am excited that our grandsons will one day be able read those same stories.”

Said Legacy Magazine Producer Justin LaBarge, “We cannot afford to allow the lessons we’ve earned fall to a forgotten neglect. It’s here we take our stand – to contribute to future generations through embracing past accomplishments.“

According to Jim Ellis, Legacy Editor, men can also contribute to the project by acting as “scouts” on the lookout for valuable stories and wisdom from the men.

“Have you ever been in a circle, heard a story or a piece of wisdom and thought ‘Damn that was powerful’ and then wanted to somehow have a way to other men could benefit from that story?” he asked. “Now we can.”

The steps for a scout would be to notice a man revealing something of value, and then respond to that man with a new meme – “That should be put into legacy” before directing him to where the Living Legacy Project and submission button resides. 

With such a steady collection, not only will the Legacy Magazine populate a monthly periodical – broadcast out to the largest global audience possible – but it will also create a location where men will LIVE IN LEGACY. This is an opportunity for men to document a journey and the wisdom they have gathered along the way. 

Said Ellis, “For those who don’t plan to live forever on the planet, they most likely have considered the desire to have a legacy live on beyond them. Those things matter to men. We wanted to create a place for them to document a journey and keep alive a spirit and legacy he would normally allow to pass by, like a flickering flame on a match.” 

Call To Action

  • Go to and submit a story. 
  • For those members who wish to go beyond a simple scout and be a consistent “content contributor,” send an email to Editor Jim Ellis at  

Reveal The Experience  ~ Share the Wisdom ~ Leave Your Legacy

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