The MDI Competition – A FINAL Update

Frank DeCarlo
Vice President, Expansion Initiative

The first of its kind, the MDI Competition – which started in March and completed in November – was the brainchild of the leader of the MDI Expansion Initiative, The overall objective was to create fun ways for regional men to build the organization and strengthening connections among members. The winner was announced on the November “All-Hands” call. 

And the winner? The East Region, Hugh Kurth RC


It was interesting to hear what men learned about themselves, how they communicate, what they found was broken or not broken, and where they quit. Many MDI men approached leadership and asked why they hadn’t heard more about the competition. We needed to remind them that this was a competition and what they heard about it was a direct reflection on how their region’s leadership decided to hold it.

If you look at the score, you’ll see, for example, no MTP entries for the West. For whatever reason they did not submitted any score there. Might have been a different score if they had.

As it turned out, Hugh Kurth of the Southeast Region came in as the winner, only being in the role for a few weeks. He asked his Division Coordinators if they wanted to play. They all rallied and said, “F, yes!” and proceeded to search out the low-hanging fruit to submit anything that qualified. The prize was $100 from the other two regions and BRAGGING rights.

Until next year!

Link to video –

The Point System

Points Accumulated

  1. Number of men who complete the MTP Program
  2. Number of men who join MDI through the EXT Referral Program
  3. Number of men who register for a Legacy Discovery Weekend
  4. Images of men engaging in different MDI meeting and events
  5. Men who support the different roles and participate with the men of ILCT
  6. Regional growth by the end of the competition

The Key

  • MTP – Membership Training Program
  • EXI – Expansion Initiative
  • INTL – International Team
  • LD – Legacy Discovery
  • CAR – Canada Region
  • EAST – The Northeast and Southeast Regions
  • WEST – Southwest and Western Region


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