The World Is Asking Us To Be More

EDITOR’S NOTE: Olaf Krop, a long-time member of Mentor Discover Inspire out of the Pacific Region, took on the role of MDI President November 19, 2023. Upon his first week in, he shares a message to all the men of Mentor Discover Inspire.

Olaf Krop at the Pacific Regionals in February 2023.

Olaf Krop
MDI President

Greetings men.

Millions of men are fighting their battles alone, navigating their way through an indifferent and sometimes hostile world, without other men by their side, aiding them. They lack other great men in their lives, and they lack the leadership tools to fight these battles together, as a team.

I have a vision that MDI will make a positive and lasting difference in the lives of millions of people. As I take on the greatest leadership role of my life, I also realize that this can’t be done by simply working harder than we are now, using more effort, or even more passion. 

The message we have been sending is about making MDI bigger. True, but even more importantly, we ensure Mature Masculine Leadership exists in the world. Most of our men don’t have any real connection to how MDI can make a true difference beyond their own men’s team. But the world is asking us to be more. I believe that shifting this belief will be critical to our success. 

There’s a legend that Ernest Shackleton, when recruiting men for his historic Antarctic expedition, placed an advertisement that read: 

Men wanted for hazardous journey. Low wages, bitter cold, long hours of complete darkness. Safe return doubtful. Honour and recognition in event of success.”

Miraculously, he didn’t lose a single man on that treacherous and incredible 500 day journey – because he had the right men for the job, and they were prepared to undertake the epic journey.  

Our mission is to bring our masculine support to all men so that they will have successful lives. We shall not fail – because the world is depending on us to step up to this challenge.  

We do the unreasonable  – create a movement of leaders taking on changing the world by bringing mature masculinity to all men.

This is an unreasonable request. It is urgent and it will be challenging. And we are the right men to take this on. 

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