Those F*cking Assh*le Astr*s – A Rant

James Anthony Ellis 
Editor, Legacy Magazine

Let’s see – where do we start?

Oh yeah – fuck those fucking Astros.

Pardon my French, but let’s not mince words. I know that most reporters and athletes have to remain somewhat cool and calm in public. They have to appear mature and professional. Well lucky for me – ha – I don’t.

Cheaters man. Cheaters. Nothing more, nothing less. Losers man, losers.

That’s the Houston Astros professional baseball club, circa 2017 and potentially other seasons in other years.

For those out of the loop, here is the short story: In November 2019, an article in The Athletic detailed allegations that the Astros had used cameras and video monitors to steal signs of opposing catchers, giving hitters a huge advantage in playoff victories on the team’s way to winning the championship title in 2017. In January 2020, MLB announced that an investigation proved the Astros did cheat and handed out its punishments: manager A.J. Hinch and general manager Jeff Luhnow were suspended for one year, the team was fined $5 million, and the team will lose its top two draft picks in 2020 and 2021.

And what about the actual cheaters? Oh yeah, no player on the team was given any sort of consequence for their part, and the team gets to keep its championship trophy and rings.

Fans, players and commentators are pissed off. And rightfully so. And though they keep it pretty cool on the surface, MLB players are still calling out the Astros players, showing just how fucked up that teams’ actions were.

“It’s anger. I feel like every single guy over there needs a beating. It’s wrong. They’re messing with people’s careers,” said Nick Markakis of the Braves.

And then came the apologies. Oh spare us the rotten theater.

Astros owner Jim Crane: “I want to say again how sorry our team is for what happened. I want to repeat this will never happen again on my watch.”

The smattering of half-ass apologies from the Astros didn’t fool anybody. Any human with a gut could tell their words were complete bullshit, carrying more regret over getting caught than being out of honor.

In fact these men know no honor. That part of their masculinity has been stripped away, thrown onto the mantle of greed and selfishness and irresponsibility. They are the like little immature boys keeping the cookie from the cookie jar. They are the boys that never grew into the mature masculine. It’s surprising that those who cheated or knew of the cheating sleep well at night. How can these bozos, fake imitations of men, hold onto a trophy they know they didn’t earn?

Such dishonor is having a deep rippling effect within the league … and even the nation.

Said Dodger Cody Bellinger: “I thought the apologies were whatever. I thought Jim Crane’s was weak. I thought (the MLB) punishment was weak, giving them immunity. I mean, these guys were cheating for three years. I think what people don’t realize is Jose Altuve stole an MVP from (Aaron) Judge in 2017. Everyone knows they stole the ring from us.”

That is some strong shit. You look in the history books of major league baseball, and you will not find players calling out other players by name. By name!

And so why is that? Why is it happening now? Why is it striking such a strong chord throughout the sport and the media?

It’s because they fucked with the rules, the level playing field, the cherished prize trophy, other players’ livelihood, legacy. And they fucked with the code.

There is an unwritten honor code among men, just as there are written codes and rules among men, wherein such honor is held sacred and high … or the perpetrator pays the consequences.

We in Mentor Discover Inspire seek to understand the importance of agreements, commitments, the code of honor and a man’s word. We know what it’s like to have someone break that code and be out of honor, with himself and with his circle. The idea that a man could break a standard and then attempt to skate on by is not acceptable at all. At least it’s not within a successful circle of honor.

Without ownership of the broken word or a consequence to return the man into honor … there is chaos. It’s just what happens with men. When a break of honor is not cleared up or met with a consequence, what happens? Look into the hockey game when the referees fall down on their job. Fighting. Look onto the streets when it appears justice is not served in a charged court case. Fighting. Look onto the baseball diamond this upcoming season if the MLB Commissioner doesn’t hand down any sort of consequence to the players. Yes fighting.

But also bean balls … off the shins, off the backs, hopefully not off the heads.

Men will take justice into their own hands if need be. If need be.

Some men in history have been man enough to return what he knew didn’t belong to him. USC running back Reggie Bush returned his Heisman Trophy after a scandal revealed he received illegal financial gains.

But then there are other types of men:

  • The hiding sniveling cowards who sneak around hoping no one notices when they break their word or disgrace vital rules and standards.
  • The puffed-up zeros who parade around, in ego and immaturity, pushing their chests out in defiance of any accountability.

These men are meaningless, deserving of no glory, no accolades, no trophy.

“At some point you have to move on and not give a shit. We’re going to go out there and win and shut everybody up,” Said Astros player Josh Reddick.

Sure Josh, sure. Not before the consequence is paid, not before honor is restored, and not before you are handed your ass to you, in order to remind you that a fuck up is not ever resolved until it’s truly cleaned up.

Until then, you can take your trophy and stick it up your ass – as can the rest of those fucking asshole Astros.

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James Anthony Ellis is an award-winning playwright, journalist and filmmaker, who is the author of eight books, including the men-focused “The Honor Book” available HERE.

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