Top 10 Fake News Stories About Mentor Discover Inspire 

Rudy Nuff 
Legacy Contributor

For years, the mainstream legacy media has been called out for biased reporting and what’s been known as “fake news.”

Before anyone starts believing these stories, know that none of these headlines below have been corroborated with reputable sources or established facts.

So tread carefully.

The following just might not be true. Unless it is….


  1. MDI Men No Longer Demand to Know Where the Money Goes Since It Means They Would Have to Review Detailed Spreadsheets.
    Note: It is also challenging finding someone to explain the spreadsheets.
  2. MDI Men Finally Unified into One Force on the Basis No One will Bring Up Politics.
    Turns out men are also discouraged from talking at team meetings due to the fact everything is politicized.
  3. MDI Confirms the Term “Men” to be Included in List of 16 Other Genders.  
    Though organization concedes by now allowing into the circle: “fanny packs.”
  4. Expert Bullshitter Warns Men That No Pickup Lines Work Any Longer.
    Unless men are interested in a formal complaint.
  5. To Honor Diversity, MDI Adopts the “Immature, Feminized Leader.”
    The Mature Masculine concept was gonna bother too many folks anyway.
  6. Marketing For Men’s Work Discontinued Since There is No Way For This To Look Cool.
    As it was, men also don’t read, and they truly enjoy their downtime in a cave.
  7. MDI Senile Elders Requested to Minimize Their Pointless “Wisdom of the Men.”
    Though the line, “Hey, get off of my lawn” is still quite popular.
  8. MDI Comes Out of the Technology Dark Ages and Updates Its My Space Account.
    Next up: Google Analytics to see how many men are ignoring our publications.
  9. To Claim “Best Men’s Organization” Crown, MDI Challenges The Mankind Project to Game of Dodge Ball. 
    MKP is so serious, they probably don’t even have “fun and physical” activities!
  10. MDI Shuts Door on All Operations Since All Men are Self-actualized Honorable Beings Fully Successful in Their Lives.
    Either “self-actualized” or they have bought their own BS enough to divert attention to streaming services, monster truck events, naps and porn.

NOTE: Sources could not be identified for this story. Neither could any facts.

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