Wanted – MDI Social Media Manager to Help Transform MDI

MDI is gearing up to implement an aggressive Outreach campaign using platforms like Facebook advertising and Meetup.

Preliminary test results from these platforms is stunning. In fact, this years results promise to transform MDI and the proper use of these media will be the key tool to reaching the BOD’s Strategic Objective of 5,000 men in five years.

MDI needs a Social Media Manager who will oversee our Facebook advertising test that has already started (successfully) in Toronto and LA, coordinate and insure all Facebook pages with the MDI logo that face publicly are suitable to the MDI brand. Oversee Meetup and our ongoing program (manual already created by Outreach) and initiate all other social media platforms (including Youtube, twitter, Intstagram, etc.).

You will also ensure the processes to properly take care of the new men generated by these social media platforms through to operations and you will create the metrics for evaluating ROI on each platform and every campaign effort.

You should have professional social media experience in marketing and content (or overseeing content).

You will report directly to the President of MDI.

At present this  is a non paid, volunteer position.  However, as the organization grows and this position becomes more central to MDI’s strategic results, we plan to consider making it a paid position.  Prove to us that you can produce ROI and we can work on compensation.


Send your resume and cover letter to


addressed to Geoff Tomlinson.


If you have questions, you can call Geoff at 416-822-3541.