Welcome New MDI Members February 2024

Each time a new man stands within our circles, there can exist another teammate, another potential brother, a brother in arms. And as many MDI men have found, that bond can last forever, no matter the length of time they both stand in the same circle. In this sacred space, each month we welcome those new MDI members. Here are the new men who joined Mentor Discover Inspire in January 2024. Welcome!

Last First Region Division Men’s Team
LaurGavinAtlantic RegionMassive DumpLiberty Balls
CravenJeffreyContinental AtlasPath Pavers
TroyerMikeContinental AtlasItch
WatsonHebronContinental AtlasItch
HeonDanContinental Head Smashed InThe Circle of Courage
MillerPhoenixContinental North StarLifesmiths
OlurunkeMichaelContinental Western FrontLondon Calling
PennerJerryContinental Western FrontMatrix
WillisMichaelContinentalWestern FrontMatrix
HackelDanielPacific RegionLegacyLeftover
JohnsonRobertPacific RegionOCBBag of Hammers
NationNicholas Pacific RegionOCBNot on MDI Team 
SandonChristopher Pacific RegionOCBNot on MDI Team 
WeinappleRichardPacific RegionOCBNot on MDI Team 
LopezArturoPacific RegionThe 510 TribePiercing the Bullshit

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