What is MDI to YOU?

Howard Spierer

The term “Men’s Divisions International” is generic. It says nothing of who we are. MDI mentors men to be successful leaders. We inspire them to serve, and we help them discover those blind spots that can trip them up. And we do it through teams and relationship.  

Marc Hupert

MDI for me is a sacred spiritual evolutionary organization that constantly changes from the inside out. Growth for me happened from the mentorship from our elders like Howard Spierer and Barry Arndt, Mark Gofstein etc. As I mature I discover my inner spiritual wisdom. We learn how to father ourselves with the help of our brothers on what we call men’s teams, a place where we hold space for each of us to grow and to father and brother each other. The longer we stay in it, the inevitability of winning in our lives is most certain. I could not be in seminary without the wisdom and compassion of my men! I am now a mentor myself and am eternally grateful to have been a part of MDI for over seven years now.

Jack Brown

We hone “competent excellence” in our personal performance by practicing in a team environment. On our teams, failure has no stigma while successes and growth are celebrated. And we have fun!

Sandy Peisner

MDI is part of my life. It is where I went to become a better father, learn to work with my ex, help me in my work life. MDI has helped mentor me in creating, fostering and cultivating life-long relationships and a way of being. My life has improved in every area due to the MDI culture.

Bart Vance
Eastern Canada

MDI is a place where I can learn the truth about myself and others. Where I am inspired to make positive changes in my life, be trained to become a mature, masculine leader, and pay these gifts forward through mentorship and making a positive impact on the world around me.

Doug Rubin

To have men who tell me the truth and who care about me, my family and my future.

Bob Bihr

Our membership includes teams of men from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences.  Our teams support our members to win in life, as men, fathers and husbands. We create and hold an environment of mature masculine care, where men are challenged to discover what their best looks like, so that their power as a man supports their success. Our culture and fundamentals are expressed in our team meetings and various trainings.  

Rob Miller
Western Canada

MDI is the means to propagate the notion that honorable masculinity is an important asset to the greater community in a world where its value is being diminished in the name of gender equality. MDI creates an environment where men learn the importance of their leadership in personal, family and professional relationships. It provides the structure that supports a single man but also where a growing number of men can contribute to the support and development of all men for the betterment of our families and communities.

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