“What is Your Life’s Purpose?”

As always, it’s good to hear from the men on the topic at hand. On any topic, it’s good to go to the collective wisdom of the men and see what is to be shared and revealed. This month we hear from the men posting on social media, in answer to this question: “What is your life’s purpose?”

David Trese – To be as happy as possible.

Sa Sing – To help those who have faced trauma to heal through friendship and love.

Antonio J Merlo – I am a bright and shining light of love and compassion for myself and the world.

Thomas Farrell – To be of service.

Jim Ellis – To use my creative gifts to broadcast messages that support others in awakening to their true empowered selves.

Glenn Woolley – To lead with compassion, understanding and a commitment to unconditional love.

Jeffrey Pettengill – My purpose is to be a living example of a mature king so that I can mentor men to be the mature king in their lives and have the life, family, career, and community they deserve.

Joseph Casagrande – I still haven’t found what I am looking for.

Wayne Powell – Mine is to bring love, peace and patience to our world.

Eric Li – My purpose is to help as many people as possible, whether that is through music, psychology, leadership or random acts of kindness.

Dave Rudbarg – To use white male privilege to end white male privilege. And to model mature masculinity through my coaching and my music.

Gary Wojciechowski – I choose to make the world better. It may be in small ways, it may be in big ways … but better. I choose to understand myself, the world, the universe, and the deeper truths in it all.

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