What Makes You Mad?

As always, it’s good to hear from the men on the topic at hand. On any topic, it’s good to go to the collective wisdom of the men and see what is to be shared and revealed. This month we hear from the men posting on social media, in answer to this question: “What makes you mad?”

Bullies. Seeing someone bullied! – Jack B.

My ex wife. Feeling of being taken advantage of. Liars. People raising their voice at me – Sandy P.

When people do a shitty job and try to cover it up with excuses and expect to get paid for it – Tomas J.

When I feel people’s behaviors are careless or unsafe and could have an impact on others – Matt G.

It makes me mad when people steal shit or hurt people for pleasure – Isaiah I.

Someone lying to me – Darrell G.

As I’ve aged what really eats me up is when men speak openly of what I shared with them in a confidential manner – Fred R.

When people make a decision that isn’t theirs to make – William P.

Apostrophes with plural words. Makes me sooo angry when people do that! And what’s worse is when they have two plural words in a sentence and only one of those words has the apostrophe. And it’s on a sign – Ke S.

People that bullshit, not the good bullshit, but real bullshit – Willy H.

Stupid people – Michael F.

Self-absorbed, inconsiderate, unaccountable behavior toward our fellow man and animals – Andy R.

Willy H’s self-portrait

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