
WHAT IS A MEN’S TEAM (and how do I find one)?

MDI (Mentor Discover Inspire) is an international men’s organization consisting of hundreds of men’s teams throughout 6 regions within North America – focusing on success for families, careers and communities.

Through weekly team meetings, trainings and more, men learn to live a purposeful and passionate life as they achieve new levels of personal success.

Living the life YOU really want – your purpose and your passion!

Simply fill out the form below, and you will be guided to a team in your area (currently meeting ONLINE as mentioned above).  Don’t wait any longer to create the life you really want!  There is no obligation and no cost.

You will be contacted by a man from MDI in your region within 48 hours.

We want to be clear that confidentiality is a valued core value at MDI and your personal information is 100% safe. 
Confidentiality is a valued core value at MDI.  Your personal information will never be shared, sold or distributed.