Who are the Leaders in Your Life?

EDITOR’S NOTE: With a theme like “The Leaders in Your Life,” it was only obvious to find out from some MDI men who the leaders were in their lives that made the biggest impact. We came up with this main question and had the men simply share what was in their heart.

Who have been great leaders in your life?
What qualities did they possess?

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Frank DeCarlo

One of the greatest leaders in my life was John Carucci, a close friend of my father’s and a father figure to me. He was a high school teacher and football coach, respected by his students and players for his integrity, mentorship, and leadership by example. John’s warmth, humor, and positivity made him someone everyone trusted, and his devotion to his family showed me the importance of a balancing personal and professional life. Though he passed away at a young age, his influence remains with me.

David Plante

Lee Iacocca was known for his bold leadership style and willingness to take calculated risks. I have lived my life with him as a tool to guide me.  When I am struggling getting what I want in life, I sometimes read a story of how he accomplished something and it changes everything. 

Stan Snow

A great leader in my life was my high school basketball coach Harvey Moynihan. He taught me the value of being prepared both physically and mentally for competition. He also showed me, by his example, to never ask those you lead to do anything you are unwilling to do yourself. And he was the first man in my life, other than my dad, to speak the unvarnished truth, telling me what I needed to hear whether I liked it or not. 

Eric Louie

Who’s been a great leader in my life? Matt Lyons. What qualities did he have? Patience, situational wisdom, great listener, good at relating to my issue or condition, masculine care, knowledge about the topic that he could share, humorous. 

Jason Campos Keck

A man who has been a great Leader in my life was and still is Kurt Thorn. The qualities he carried masterfully to name a few were high integrity and a disciplined example of the Code of Honor. He knew how to instantly lead when called to it but also knew when to hang back listen and follow. He had a knack for spotting the strengths in men and building a confidence in them to achieve great things. He was generous with his knowledge. He was the man I always wanted to be so when I got my chance I followed in his tracks. I believe he would still be proud of the man I have become today, learning in large part from his example. 

David De Francisco

One of the greatest leaders in my life has been Ray Singley, a dear friend who I call “UncleDad.” My former therapist and now spiritual mentor. Some of his greatest qualities are his consistent and unwavering acceptance of me. His always taking a stand for what is healthy and good. Always,  always,  always telling me the truth in love, so as not to shame or condemn me. Every aspect of his way of being comes from a place of wisdom and love. He has truly impacted my life in ways not many could or have.

Sandy Peisner

My father was my first leader. I would also credit the different men who took a stand at a team meeting, spoke up and lead.  

Nemen Gailani

A great leader in my life would have to be my dad. He is the pinnacle of resilience and an example to live by in that regards. I can go to him for anything and know he would always be there for me, and his family. He always stands by what is right and fair, and has always instilled that within me.

Daniel Harley

Captain Ron Pixley.  Joe Till high school football coach. He was as solid as a rock. If he said he would do something, he did it and we got it. He made us understand that mental weakness will make cowards of us all. He made us focus on our plays. He wouldn’t let us talk in the team room or the bus ride before the game. He made us practice. We practiced before school, the coaches room for lunch and practice after school. He made us believe we would win if we did what he said. We ended our season with 9 wins  and 0 losses, with a league record 256 points scored and six points scored against us. This was a life-changing experience. Qualities: motivation, vision, influence, courage, confidence and communication.

Chris Christopher

One great leader that comes to mind is Dave Wainwright. Wainwright led by example. He was always positive and set high standards.  He inspired me to be my best.  When he gave his word I could count on it.  He could be totally unreasonable and caring at the same time.  Extracted men, lots of men and his legacy chain is long.  

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