“WHY” – Word From The President

Sandy Peisner, MDI President

Simply put, I’m in MDI to help change the world. 

Being in MDI made me a better father. It helped me become employed. It gave me a place to belong, gave me choices, told me the truth, and pushed me in ways I never knew I had to be pushed, trained in ways I never knew existed.

MDI is about having integrity, accountability, making agreements and standing by them. 

I’ve never understood why when men are unhappy, as they appear to take no ownership in being the change agent – on their teams, in this organization or in their lives. All of us that pay dues have ownership in MDI. We are the owners. 

In my time in leadership and on teams, I have witnessed men get better jobs, save their marriages, become amazing fathers, go back to college and graduate and get a better jobs. And they have done this because they have a men’s team. 

I’ve learned of divisions that rebuilt towns, raised large sums for orphanages, and took care of veterans. I’ve heard of teams that have fed and given gifts to abused women and children.

MDI gives me a place to give back for all I’ve received. Being a member of MDI is about taking ownership, belonging to a community and being the difference. MDI mentors men to win in life as only that man defines that win. MDI does help to change the world … and it’s why I’m in. 

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