{"id":26229,"date":"2023-05-30T16:05:21","date_gmt":"2023-05-30T20:05:21","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.mentordiscoverinspire.org\/?p=26229"},"modified":"2023-06-01T19:03:05","modified_gmt":"2023-06-01T23:03:05","slug":"take-the-mature-masculine-pop-quiz","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.mentordiscoverinspire.org\/take-the-mature-masculine-pop-quiz\/","title":{"rendered":"Take the Mature Masculine Pop Quiz"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

A Mature Masculine Leadership Pop Quiz! Finally, we can figure it out. If you have wondered if you indeed were part of the innermost circle, at the elitist level, among the highest rankings of men considered \u201cmature masculine leaders,\u201d <\/strong>well look no further. Take the quiz and find out! <\/strong>Below you will have 10 situations in which men can find themselves. Pick the answer that best suits the scenario. And then after that, answer the FIVE questions to see if you are ready for the Mature Masculine Workshop HERE<\/a><\/strong>.<\/strong><\/a><\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n\n\n\n

1. SITUATION \u2013 You find yourself at a party attended by two women you are presently dating. They don\u2019t know each other. You choose to: <\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n

A. Tell them about each other, and introduce them in a calm manner. 
B. Not say anything and be cool, aloof.
C. Feign a heart attack and later explain the situation to the ambulance driver.
D. Threesome.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

2. SITUATION \u2013 You are showing up \u201clate\u201d for a meeting \u2013 either with your circle of men or another type of meeting. Your thoughts are:<\/strong>
A. \u201cWhat sort of excuse would make the most sense about why I am running late?\u201d
B. \u201cOh no, I\u2019m in trouble.\u201d 
C. \u201cI\u2019m letting these people down on a very real level, and I will consider a way to make up for it.\u201d
D. \u201cI\u2019ll say I just got out of a threesome.\u201d <\/p>\n\n\n\n

3. SITUATION \u2013 You are dissatisfied with some aspect of your men\u2019s team, your family, your coworkers, or any circle you find yourself. You decide to:<\/strong>
A. Play the victim saying you have nothing to do with the results of the team or collective.
B. Quit, pointing fingers at those around you, blaming them for your troubles, listing off the reasons that brought your dissatisfaction. 
C. Make it so unbearable for the rest of the collective that they want to leave \u2026 so you can relax in the knowing they were the quitters. 
D. Step up and enroll the collective in some form of solution that would serve everyone.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

4. SITUATION \u2013 You are being enticed into engaging with a female over some age-old fight. You choose to:<\/strong>
A. Debate and bicker and fight using a full dose of logic, rationality and common sense, knowing it is the honorable and righteous path. 
B. Await for the time where you will be honored with a King\u2019s Crown since you are the victor in this battle of wits. 
C. Move not, and \u2013 simply and calmly \u2013 listen, offering no solutions \u2026 unless asked. And then choose again to offer no solutions.
D. Go change a car tire, even if it doesn\u2019t need it. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

5. SITUATION \u2013 You are called out by your circle of men after you break a standard or your word. You choose to:<\/strong>
A. Defend a very important need to be right in this situation. 
B. Consider excuses that other men could relate to \u2013 traffic, family matters, \u201cother higher priorities\u201d \u2013 so that these men just might let you slide on by.
C. Humble yourself with trust, and be open and willing to learn something new.
D. Spin the conversation back on the person, making them the wrong one.
E. Do a shame spiral into childhood recalling each time you were punished, throwing a tantrum to get out of it. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

6. SITUATION \u2013 You look down at your phone and see you are getting a call from someone you don\u2019t really want to talk to. You choose to:<\/strong>
A. Answer the call, and pretend you\u2019re busy, giving short, agitated answers with a super negative vibe.
B. Let it go to voicemail \u2013 ignore it forever, hoping they get the concept that a no reply actually means \u201cno\u201d in the New Age of Enlightenment. If and when you see the person later on, practice your \u201cWhat voicemail?\u201d 
C. Let it go to voicemail and check it later when you have nothing else to do or are stuck in two hours of traffic. Then text him back with a curt statement that carries as much closure context as possible.
D. Ask yourself what your beef is with him. Tell it directly. Then create, express and hold any necessary boundaries.
E. Change your phone number, move out of state, create an alias to not ever be found again. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

7. SITUATION \u2013 Your ex-wife talks shit about you to your own children. You decide to:<\/strong>
A. Do the same thing she is doing, making sure to be even more viscous and convincing, dredging up as much dirt on her as possible.
B. Defend your honor with your children by bringing your own presentation of your greatness. A PowerPoint is a bonus.
C. Have a laugh at whatever name she called you by acting it out in front of the kids as a joke.
D. Change your phone number, move out of state, create an alias to not ever be found again. 
E. Love your kids. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

8. SITUATION \u2013 You want a job \u2013 such as Division Coordinator within the men\u2019s organization or a dream job in your life \u2013 and you are not chosen for it. You choose to: <\/strong>
A. Quit the profession, quit the division and never try again.
B. Move along with a mask of \u201cWhatever, I didn\u2019t really care anyway.\u201d
C. Ask about and dig into reasons why you weren\u2019t picked so you can grow and improve yourself, ultimately improving your chances with future opportunities.
D. Sabotage whoever was chosen in some secret, backhanded way.
E. Buy a motor-home and proclaim a new vision to really \u201cget to know my country.\u201d <\/p>\n\n\n\n

9. SITUATION \u2013 Someone sends you a negative flame in an e-mail or otherwise attacks you mercilessly on social media. You choose to: <\/strong>
A. In the middle of the night, go find his house and toilet paper it. 
B. Fire back with twice the intensity.
C. In a word: \u201cunfriend.\u201d
D. Meet up with him or her and do your best De Niro impression: \u201cYou talkin\u2019 to me?\u201d<\/p>\n\n\n\n

10. SITUATION \u2013 Your girlfriend or wife starts to get super upset over something. You choose to:<\/strong>
A. Tell her, \u201cThis is really not that important.\u201d
B. Inform her that her emotions may be due to some hormonal imbalance coming from one of those \u201cfeminine cyclical thingamabobs.\u201d
C. Offer a laundry list of ways to fix the problem.
D. Stop asking for a threesome. <\/p>\n\n\n\n


ANSWER KEY: <\/strong>If you answered A, B, C, D or E to any of the above, you are \u201cin the game!\u201d Congratulations. <\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n\n\n\n


Video Instruction – Two Options: “Problem” and “No Problem” <\/h3>\n\n\n\n

Courtesy of the MacWhisperer Dylan Stewart, click the below images to see examples of two ways of being for men … always a choice. <\/em><\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n
